Global Involvements And World War I

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Global Involvements and World War I


The First World War or Great War was an armed conflict that took place between 1914 and 1918, and resulted in over 10 million casualties. More than 60 million European soldiers were mobilized during this era. Originating in Europe by the rivalry between the imperialist powers, it became the first war to cover over half the planet. Before the Second World War, this war was often called the Great War or the War of Wars. It was the second most damaging war in history after the Second World War.

Causes of World War I are numerous and interrelated, and their investigation has been the source of much historic research and investigation. One factor driving European states to pursue war was the level of preparation militaries needed in order to execute previously established operational plans intended for meeting military objectives. By 1914, the size of the national armies and the enormous logistical effort required to get them deployed on a national frontier ready to engage in battle were so large that each country's military believed that early mobilization would provide a decisive edge in impending operations. Although decisions about going to war remained in the governments, these civilian leaders were also influenced by military leaders trying to preempt an opponent's mobilization with their own mobilization. In remarkably concordance with Jomini's principles, the state leaders still decided that war was to be initiated, but from that point on, the military took increasing control of how and on what scale the war would be fought (Johnson, 141).

Global Involvement

The hegemony of political radicalism is facilitated by the division of his opponents on the left. Indeed the rise of the Socialist Party on the eve of the First World War was stopped first by the military conflict, then by splitting the socialist movement in Tours in December 1920. Most members leave because the socialist SFIO, whose leaders have supported the war policy, to join the Communist federation of the Moors who built the model according to the Bolsheviks to power in Russia since October 1917. The acuteness of the Communist message is a continuation of the horror of war that has shaken all values on which are founded the republican regime.

The war began as a clash between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Russia joined the conflict; it was considered the protector of the Slavic countries and wished to undermine the position of Austria-Hungary in the Balkans. After the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Russia on August 1 of 1914, the conflict was transformed into a military confrontation across Europe. Germany responded to Russia with war, bound by a secret pact made with the monarchy of the Habsburgs, and France mobilized to support its ally. Hostilities involving 32 countries, 28 of them called ' Allies ': France, the United Kingdom, the Russian Empire, Serbia, Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Japan, United States (since 1917) and the Kingdom of Italy, who had left the Triple Alliance. This group faced a coalition of the “Central Powers ", ...
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