Global Business Cultural Analysis: (Argentina)

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Global Business Cultural Analysis: (Argentina)


The aim of this study is to know about cultural analysis of the organization of two countries, that are, U.S and Argentina. For this purposes, the study covers the major's elements and the dimension of the country of Argentina and the U.S. The study also uses the Hofstede's analysis for comparing the culture and business analysis of the both countries. The study also emphasize on the FDI and SWOT analysis of the country of Argentina for the implication of the U.S business.




Problem Analysis2

Research Questions2

Aim of the Study2

Literature Review2

Major Elements and Dimensions of Culture2

Implications for US Businesses in Argentina2


Data collection2

Size of the Firm2



Global Business Cultural Analysis: (Argentina)



Argentina is located in the South America, so it share border with Brazil, Chile and Bolivia. The population of Argentina is 33 million, out of which 85% belongs to Europe and remaining 15 percent is Spanish, Italian, Indians, black and white. Argentina had a military power in past, but now the country has the democracy power. The official language of the country is Spanish although many people of the country speak English, Italian and other languages. The Spanish language of Argentina is heavily influenced by the Italian language (Economy, 2007a).

People of Argentina are proud of their culture because Argentines are the well educated and sophisticated people and like to do progress in their lives. As many of the people of Argentina belongs from Spain, Russia, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy so therefore, Argentine people are identified like Europeans people. People of Argentina speak Spanish but still 40 languages are used in the country. In the country, 93% of catholic are belonged from the high valued families, so their views are little bit conservative (Agency, 2007).

The organizational culture of Argentina is little bit different from the other country's culture. For the people of Argentine, personal relationship between peers, co-workers, families, stakeholders are very important than any other thing. According to them, personal relationship develops the business growth and satisfaction. For making any long term deals and agreements, people of Argentina makes several meetings and discussions. But, decisions are made by only top level management. Nobody other is allowed to make any decisions regarding the goals and objectives. Business meeting with the stakeholders or with any other business guests is greeted through the warm welcome. It is the culture of the organization of Argentina that the senior executives are seated opposite to the organization's guest. While, in the business meetings, all the guests maintained an eye contact. People of Argentina do not like to use the gestures because other people take it in a wrong manner. Guest in the meeting do not use the hard sell approaches. So therefore, they are prepared for the talk before making any large decisions. The workforces of an organization are the tough negotiators. Therefore, they develop the good relationship in order to make the strong negotiation period (Agency, 2007).

Organization of Argentina made the detailed and lengthy contracts and they do not final the contract elements until all the ...
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