General Motors Market Strategy

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General Motors Market Strategy

General Motors Market Strategy

Market Assessment and Strategy

The General Motors (GM) Company has enjoyed worldwide brand recognition through its successful initiatives and modern automobiles industry. It is a renowned brand in the production, development, marketing of cars, trucks, and automobile parts. They are primarily engaged in the production dealing in retail and fleet vehicles. The market strategies applied by GM on their main markets proves to be significantly strong to leave the branding impressions on the public. Their some of the main environmental initiatives include All-electric vehicles, Flexible-fuel vehicles, Hydrogen initiative, Battery packs for electric vehicles, and Hybrid electric vehicles. There is a huge market gap identified by the GM Company in the automobile industry. Thus, they enjoyed a fair share in the market among their few competitors such as Ford.

The company's critical analysis states the huge framework of the industry met standards and the implementation of state of the art technology involved in the production assisting the manufacturing process with quality support. Therefore, GM is regarded as one of the strong companies with emphasis on its core competencies. It focuses on the qualities of value, reliability, performance, and expressive design. GM is clearly believed to have the best-positioned automaker to take advantage of the market trends. They are the market leader in the United States and China and increasingly well-positioned in Russia, Brazil, and India. They enjoy sizable operations throughout Europe, the rest of South America and Asia. Therefore, the market strategies applied by the company on the market varies according to the international market. It depends on the territory to meet with the effective strategy.

The goal of GM remains to increase in its global market on a broader scale reaching and penetrating new markets in different localities. Therefore, it initially attempted to modify its automobiles design and models according to the personal flavor in order to attract the various actual and potential customers. This was done in the production era when the stress was laid on the product itself believing that a good product will sell itself. However, these endeavors were regarded insufficient when the new concept of marketing emerged. The strategies were changed accordingly to cope with the changing external environment. The new idea was adopted to attract the customers through marketing strategies in efforts to attract the customers through promotional campaigns and communication by advertising. However, this was also rendered inadequate in terms of full customer retention.

GM Company entered the holistic market approach after viewing its struggle to capture the whole market ineffective. The usage of market intelligence and insights was put into trial. The company began focusing on the customer needs and wants to shape its production consequently. The new models were defined with the distinct line of conventional cars and luxury cars. This aided in the market capture process. The company is bound to adapt to the environment and regulations of the host country of its operations. Each country is different in terms of the provisions and ...
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