Gender Discrimination In The Workplace

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Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Gender Discrimination in the Workplace


This paper intends to discuss the gender discrimination in workplace. The paper intends to provide a brief overview about the different and important aspects associated with the concept of gender discrimination in the workplace. Despite all the advances made in the occupational world; gender discrimination still exists even in the most developed societies. The paper will take an underlying position on explaining how the gender discrimination is still being continued in the society and what are the negative aspects associated with the gender discrimination. The significance of the paper and summary will also be provided. Implications of this paper for the industry will be clarified in the paper. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the sensitive issue of gender discrimination in workplace.

Significance of the Paper

The significance of this paper is immense. Writing a paper over the topic of gender discrimination is quite sensitive. The basic purpose of this paper is to make the organizations aware about the discrimination prevailing in the workplace due to the gender differences. Big organizations usually make big policies regarding the issues of discrimination; however, the implementation of these policies is not so efficient. Therefore, the organizations need to be careful in order to completely eradicate the gender discrimination from the workplace.

The paper is also important because it will further enhance the knowledge of the organizations, the employees and the people who are applying for jobs. The paper tends to provide a brief outlook of all the issues that gender discrimination can create. Therefore, the knowledge regarding the gender discrimination will be enhanced and essential measures can be taken to minimize the impact of gender discrimination in the working environment. The paper intends to make the people aware of the prevalence of gender discrimination so that it can be minimized.

Integration of Current Literature

Discrimination is one of the most important and negative aspect of the society. The societies which are not capable of eliminating the discrimination based on gender, race, disabilities, religion or any other ground are exposed to witness underlying failures. Gender discrimination in the workplace is not a new phenomenon. Discrimination is made while offering employments, within the working environment and even when the employees want to leave a particular organization; discrimination is made on the basis of gender (

Despite all the efforts made by the governments; the gender discrimination still exists in the society. The government of United States of America is extremely concerned about providing equal opportunities to the workforce and thus relevant laws have been made in this regard. The Title VII of Civil Rights Act protect against the sex discrimination similarly the Equal Pay Act of 1963 protects against sex bias and discrimination in the payment of pay rates to men and women who substantially perform equal work in such jobs that require equal responsibility, effort and skill, in the similar institution and under the same working conditions. The act suggests following related to the ...
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