Futures Specimen

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Sustainable Management Futures Specimen Examination

Sustainable Management Futures Specimen Examination

Scenario 1

Virtue Ethics

According to virtue ethics, ethically right activities are those that follow the definite rules and laws of accomplishment. According to virtue ethics, it is clear that the child labour is erroneous and unethical. As the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Labour Organizations condemn the use of child labour, thus according to virtue ethics the children should not be employed as labour in the developing countries and anyone who is utilizing or letting children to work underage are infringing these laws (Mackie 1997, p. n.d).

Developing countries have fall at the rear in the movement towards plummeting child labour, that is the motive why there ar numerous number of children working. The developed countries have implemented ways through which they can dishearten the use of child labour. For example in 1990 the developed countries boycott the oranges from Brazil, the rationale was that the orange producing firms in Brazil used child labour in their production processes.

Rawls Theory of Justice

According to Rawls theory of justice, the self interested rational persons behind the veil of would chose two general principles of justice for structuring of society in the real world. First is principle of equal liberty which states that each person has an equivalent right to the most widespread liberties well-matched with parallel liberties for all. Second is, difference principle that societal and economic inequalities should be precised so that, they benefit to the greatest of the least advantaged person and attached to the positions and offices open to all under conditions of equality of opportunity (Garrett 2002, p. n.d).

Rawls theory of justice towards child labour is that sometimes it makes sense to trade off some parts of the child's life for making your whole life better. This represents the part of the Rawls theory of justice that child choose the child labour work because they are unable to feed themselves or any other issues that are much worse than working as child labour.

Deontological Ethics

Deontological theory of ethics is also considered as the duty theory. It states that while making decisions, one has to consider the rights and duties of others. Deontological ethics includes that human beings have natural rights and they should be followed and the moral right actions are those that would be accepted.

According to deontological ethics, the working of children as child labour is incorrect because it put in danger the children both mentally and physically. Working of children as a child labour exploits the law of environment, children are supposed to go to school in order to receive essential training so that they can prepare themselves to become employees. According to deontological theory, children are young and they are unaware of their privileges, connecting them in work will outcome in to exploitation of their rights because employers in developing countries force the children to take on hard work and do not even compensate them.

Teleological Ethics

According to teleological ethics, the worth of an ...
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