FSSA - Research Assignment - Assessment Task 2 - Not Worth the Fuss After All? Cross-sectional and Prospective Data on Violent Video Game Influences on Aggression, Visuospatial Cognition and Mathematics Ability in a Sample of Youth
FSSA - Research Assignment - Assessment Task 2 - Not Worth the Fuss After All? Cross-sectional and Prospective Data on Violent Video Game Influences on Aggression, Visuospatial Cognition and Mathematics Ability in a Sample of Youth
Violence and aggression is becoming increasingly common in modern day society. Often aggressive in the open or disguised form cultivated in society as a weapon in the struggle for prosperity. This is a disguised form of computer games. Aggression in personality characteristics of teenagers is formed mainly as a form of protest against the lack of understanding adults, because of dissatisfaction with their position in society, manifested in aggressive behavior. Who is the main evil for teens seen in the new generation of personal computers (Ferguson, Garza, Jerabeck, Ramos, & Galindo, 2012). The abundance of a variety of games lure teens for a long time. For fifteen years, there is a discussion. Is there an unbroken causal link between the evil. Created in the imagination (in the game), and the real evil. However, the problem of the influence of psychology addiction to computer games on the formation of personality traits like aggression not studied enough.
It is shown that computer games contribute to the development of aggressive content of the aggressive tendencies of the person: physical aggression, aggression, addiction infected crowd, rigidity and suggestibility. The results made contributions to the treasury of the psychology of personality, and can be used in counseling, psycho-correctional and educational activities with teenagers (Ferguson, Garza, Jerabeck, Ramos, & Galindo, 2012). Since the mid 60's theme of violence and aggression is one of the current in the West, it is even called "intriguing", and he of the twentieth century - the "age of anxiety about violence." Analysis of the latest psychological and socio-philosophical literature, published in the leading countries of the West 70-80g. devoted to the problem of man. Suggest that the issues related to human aggression (or aggression) in the forefront of many studies. The extreme complexity and diversity of the forms of aggression (especially in relation to human behavior) lead to the fact that to date there is no science in his unique interpretation and definition. First of all, aggression, in whatever form it was not shown, is a behavior, intended to cause injury or harm to another living being, having every reason to avoid such a treatment.
There are several divergent theoretical perspectives, each of which gives his vision of the nature and origins of aggression. The oldest of them, the theory of instinct, consider aggressive behavior as innate (Ferguson, Garza, Jerabeck, Ramos, & Galindo, 2012). Freud's most famous adherents of this fairly common point of view, believed that aggression has its roots in the innate and sent to the carrier's own death instinct, in fact, aggression - it's the same instinct ...