Fine Art Vs. Illustration

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Fine Art vs. Illustration



Fine Art versus Illustration4

Sistine Chapel's Creation by Michelangelo6

Renaissance Art in Italy7

How did Michelangelo create the Sistine Chapel's Ceiling?9

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo12

Sistine Chapel - An Art or an Illustration?14


End Notes19

Fine Art vs. Illustration


According to illustrator Brad Holland, “Almost everybody is an artist these days. Rock and Roll singers are artists. So are movie directors, performance artists, make-up artists, tattoo artists, con artists and rap artists. Movie stars are artists. Madonna is an artist, because she explores her own sexuality. Snoop Doggy Dogg is an artist for the reason that he explores other people's sexuality. Victims who express their pain are artists. So are guys in prison who express themselves on shirt cardboard. Even consumers are artists when they express themselves in their selection of commodities. The only people left in America who seem not to be artists are illustrators”.

This is a very sensitive and insightful topic for a number of illustrators for the reason that implicit in the discernment is the hypothesis that an illustrator is not actually an artist. According to Male (2007), majority of people believe that an artist is a person who has found a means or an outlet to show his or her creativity. This means that an artist has got a passage to vent out his talent. An artist possesses a certain type of personality; quirky, care free, impulsive and spontaneous. In general, it is believed that an artist as holding a unique visualization that he or she has uncovered an outlet for creativity and expression. An artist is deemed to own inborn talent while on the other hand an illustrator is also a fine artist who owns a specialization in illustration. An illustrator makes images for use in publications, like magazines and books. Thus, in this paper, we will compare fine art with illustration and will try to find out who influences who using a number of relevant examples and works of renowned artist Michelangelo and the ceiling of Sistine Chapel. The luminous artist of Italian Renaissance, Michelangelo Buonarroti illustrated splendid paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel of Vatican City, working from 1508 to 1512. Ordered by Pope Julius II, this great artist executed this work himself with no assistance or help. Scholars argue whether he got any sort of direction or help from the Church in the decision of choosing the scenes, and what sense the scenes were to put across. Traditionally, the painting was named as the Creation of Adam; however which could be more appropriately named the Endowment of Adam, is believed that Michelangelo concealed an exceptional message. It is a meaning steady with feelings he put across in his sonnets. Best in painting and sculpture, he realized that his expertise was in his mind and intellect. He understood that the "heavenly part" we "acquire" from God is the "intelligence".


Fine Art versus Illustration

By definition, illustration is a creative course of action that is basically a service for a buyer or client whereas fine art is identified ...
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