Extended Goal Statement

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Extended Goal Statement

Extended Goal Statement


In today's competing environment due to globalization it is becoming difficult to get a job companies are more demanding and with also increased rate of unemployment people need to struggle even harder to pursue a career of their interest and remain successful. Therefore the importance of education has increased in order to remain competitive. Simultaneously it is also essential to know how this knowledge can be implemented in the practical environment. Getting education and learning is a continuous process we learn from our surroundings and acquire knowledge about different aspects in life that makes us able to understand things better, it gives us an exposure to know how things work (Zachary, 2005).

It is significant for us to know what career do we want to pursue that will make us satisfied and is of our interest, we need to define our future goals and set objectives that will enable us to have a vision about what we want to achieve. Once these goals have been set it then becomes easier for us to identify the ways in which we will be able to achieve these goals. We need to recognize the path that we should follow to reach our vision and accomplish our goals, it is however not an easy task as we might across different challenges that will cause hindrance in achieving our objectives. Our goals need to be specific yet challenging achieving good grades might be our objective but that is too vague, we need to define what are good grades for us and for that we should set standard and benchmarks and strive to achieve them and measure our actual results against that to monitor our success (Lunblad, 2005).


I have been working in the field of education and want to continue learning; my objective is to become an assistant professor and serve the community by teaching them, as a student I have acquired a lot of knowledge and I do not want to end the process of learning. My family has been in the field of education, my mother and grandmother were also educators, thus I want to further enhance my knowledge by getting more education that will be helpful for me to pursue my career in teaching and accomplish my goals. Today people need to get educated which will be helpful for the economy as well as this will increase the literacy rate and also decrease the unemployment rate since more output will then be produce due to people being capable of introducing new and improve ideas for development.

It is often not easy for people to accept their weaknesses and take the responsibility of their mistakes. However I believe that I have not been able to perform my tasks well, yet I know the areas where I lack thus I want to overcome my weaknesses and make them my strength to be able to perform my best and to prove myself as an efficient worker. Being in the field of education ...
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