The scientific method is a method for research and study that is applied to investigate, observations and to get to the root cause of the problem/situation/s and is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions. Scientists use the scientific method to search for cause and effect relationships in nature. Information is collected by asking open-ended questions during in-depth interviews. Research is increasingly essential to the delivery of human services and to the professionals who are mandated with the responsibility of making the delivery of these services effective, efficient, and responsive to human needs (Monette, Sullivan, & DeJong, 2010, p. 2). When dealing with special need population the elderly, the scientific method can be applied by finding answers to questions.
The scientific method is a method for research and study that is applied to investigate observations and to bring answers to questions Example is a researcher may need to know the cost of the equipment or medications of the elderly while in the facility or being discharge from the facility in order for the elderly to have a safe discharge as well as to make sure that the elderly insurance will pay or it would be an out-of-pocket expense, this would be like using the Quantitative research. In order to do this the professional would need to do some research into the elderly finance, insurance, and background to get that information.
Qualitative research is a method of collecting data that focuses on human behavior. There are a handful of methods of qualitative research commonly used in many fields of research. Each type of qualitative research is suitable for different situations and research questions. Quantitative research is a systematic process used to gather and statistically analyze information that has been measured by an instrument. It examines phenomenon through the numerical representation of observations and statistical analysis. Langford, R. (2000). Qualitative research deals with method of collecting data, while Quantitative research analyzes information by using numbers.
Quantitative research is a type of educational researcher decides what to study, asks specific, narrow questions, collects, quantifiable data from participants, analyze numbers using statistics, and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner, for example . Qualitative researches a type of educational research in which the researcher relies on the views participants, ask broad, general questions, collects data. Example: an area of study that would benefit from qualitative research would be that of an interview being able to ask opens an end questions.
A mixed methods research design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and “mixing” both quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a single study to understand a research problem (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007The basic assumption is that the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, in combination, provides a better understanding of the research problem and questions than either method by itself. It is a “legitimate inquiry approach” (Brewer & Hunter, 1989, p. 28).
I think that the research would help the professional stay on ...