Eugenics And Human Genetics

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Eugenics and Human Genetics

Eugenics and Human Genetics


The discipline of Eugenics promotes and develops the innate qualities of a race, under the laws of genetic inheritance. Eugenics was spread initially in Anglo-Saxon countries, and later in Germany Nazi, in a political and social movement aimed at promoting the reproduction of the socially desirable. Moreover this discipline was promoted to prevent the birth of unwanted subjects) by means of infanticide and abortion (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005).

Beginning in the 1950s, with studies on the genetic heritage of man, Eugenics became a new technology, which consisted of three aspects:

The genotypic selection of subjects at risk of developing a disease, by means of prenatal diagnosis and abortion of undesirables, or earlier, with the pre-implantation diagnosis or creative.

B) The germinal selection by choosing gametes that are collected and stored in databases and used in special techniques of in vitro fertilization.

C) Gene therapy with the modification of the genetic information contained in the cells somatic and germ cells in human embryos produced in vitro.

In terms of philosophy, the inspiration finds support in the scientism and technological ethics. In particular, the sociobiologists argue that ethics changes over time as a function of the stages of social and biological evolution are gradually achieved. Therefore, in medical practice, everything which favours the mechanisms of selection and improvement of the species is considered lawful. From the scientific perspective, the only way to prevent illness is to genetically suppress the people who are predisposed to disease ( This paper discusses the scientific or breeding technique used in eugenics and the rationale behinds those techniques. Moreover this paper discusses that whether these techniques of eugenics have some lace in medical community.


At present, a small number of scholars, scientists and others have started demanding reconsideration. Few of them put forward the advice for the development of inheritable genetic modification and the extended use of techniques of selection like pre-implantation of genetics diagnosis. Few scholars favour these technologies as a means of seizing control of evolution in humans. Others consider these technologies as an effective and fast way of production of enhanced children (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005).

Inheritable Genetic Modification

Inheritable genetic modification is also known as germ line engineering. This technique changes the genes that are passed on to upcoming generations. The changes in genes are made in eggs early embryos or sperm. The modifications in genes are apparent not just in the individual who is developed from the embryo of gamete; however, these modifications are apparent in all the future generations. Inheritable Genetic Modification is the technique that is not tried in human beings. It is the most consequential kind of modifications in genes since it opens the door to permanently changing human species (Promitzer, et al., 2011).

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Genetic selection process is done either on embryos that is outside the body of a woman through Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis or on foetus with prenatal screen. The embryos are test in Preimplantation Genetic diagnosis tests or the presence of sequence of genes connected to characteristics and ...
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