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Ethics: Application of Ethical Theories to a Case Study

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Word Count: 1684

Ethics: Application of Ethical Theories to a Case Study


Ethics is an ideal of human behaviour that guides each person about what is right, what is right and what to do, understanding their life relationship with peers, seeking the common good. Ethics at work not only guide the decision-making (what I do) but also the process that follows once the decision (how I do). In its action, each has its own pattern of values; it is everyone must do their own thinking, a way to reconcile their behaviours with corporate values, the code of conduct and ethics business, strategic objectives, the internal rules of the company and the applicable legislation (Hinman, 2007, pp. 318-32). In this paper, we will consider the case of Great Builds in an ethical framework.

Case 1

Great Builds is a FTSE 250 multinational engineering company, specialising in designing and carrying out large infrastructure projects. About a year ago, Veronica Singh MBE, a chartered engineer by training, joined the board of Great Builds as a non-executive director. A few years earlier, Great Builds hired a new CEO, Mick Handsome, in the midst of allegations of the company's involvement in large scale bribery and a long period of weak financial performance.

Mr. Handsome has been very successful in turning the fortunes of the company around. He implemented an effective anti-bribery policy and thanks to his strong commitment to improving quality and service. However, Mr. Handsome had been behaving in an inappropriate manner toward several, especially younger, women at social functions that they attended. Also, the head of Human Resources, said that some female staff members have made complaints about Mr. Handsome, accusing him of verbal and physical sexual harassment.

Issues Highlighted

There are two ethical issues that can be highlighted in the case, and both of these issues have legal provisions in the United Kingdom. First, the company was crucially involved in bribery cases. Organizational involvement in bribery and weak financial performance will establish unethical and illegitimate means of accumulating profits. These unethical practices not only deteriorate the company's performance in the market but also provide enough room for raising legal issues against the company, by means of lawsuits (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2008, pp. 25-31). This causes the management to hire Mr. Mick Handsome as a CEO of the Great Builds. Mr. Handsome is known for his exceptional management abilities for companies in similar situations. His track record and experiences in the field has demonstrated significant evidence for his abilities, as he was associated with a number of companies that he dragged out of bankruptcy.

Another factor, which was highlighted, in the case was harassment issue in the workplace. Sexual harassment in workplaces is, unfortunately, a common issue in our society. These issues are common with people with higher level position, who use their position power and dominate women in the workplace. Veronica Singh has just joined the company and heard certain harassment issues about Mr. Handsome from her acquaintances and close ...
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