Ethical Leadership- Dan Goleman

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Ethical Leadership- Dan Goleman

Ethical Leadership- Dan Goleman


Daniel Goleman is a worldwide famous psychologist who deliverers his teachings repeatedly to different organizations, in colleges and other listeners related to business. Goleman has also been a science journalist that gave his services to The New York Times related to the brain and behavioral sciences for many years. Denial's book that was named as Emotional Intelligence was on the bestseller list of The New York Times for around one and a half year, and about five million copies in forty languages were also printed globally. Excluding this book Daniel Goleman has written books on the majority of topics that include creativity, social and emotional learning, moral leadership and other important topics also (Daniel, G, 2013).

Time Magazine also declared denial Goleman Emotional Intelligence book as the 25 most influential business management books, others journals and magazines also appreciated and listed his book as the most influential business books. Daniel Goleman was only one of the co-founders of CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning) whose aim was to bring evidences based seminars in emotional literacy to many schools globally. He currently see's the consortium for Research on Intelligence of Emotions in Companies at Rutgers University.

Daniel Goleman is one of the members of the Mind & Life Institute, which promote research and dialogues between thoughtful practitioners and scientists. Goleman has planned a progression of important communications among Scientists and Dalai Lama which concluded in the books namely Destructive Emotions and Healthy Emotions. Daniel Goleman is currently editing a book from the previous discussions on Ecology and ethics. Goleman's recent books include the power of Emotional Intelligence that is related to Leadership and The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights. These books have a great research of Goleman and his thoughtful ideas and concepts. Goleman work as a Science journalist has also awarded many awards that include Washburn Award for Science journalism, American Psychological Association award of a lifetime career etc (Daniel, G, 2013).

Ethical leadership is basically doing and leading ethically every time. The ethical leader knows that a good relationship among selves and others are the key to the organization's success. To built good relationships two things are very important that are trust and respect. Ethical leader in one that understands these relations and base his thought on trust, respect, equity, justice and compassion that were also called laws of Universe by Stephen Convey. Ethical leadership is to use ethics in leadership; it does not mean to employ all the frames of ethics, but the basics that are trust, respect and to complete the make promises rather than dodging any one at his back. Effective ethical leadership is the key to success and progress of an organization.

Ethical leadership is very important and applying positive and good relationships provide advantages at the three levels of the organizational life. First of all it is very important at the individual level which also has the great effect on organization, Secondly on a team; if u ...