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Gender issues: Women in leadership and development in Tanzania

Table of Contents



Literature Review4

Macro Framework of Tanzania6

Economic Empowerment7

Education and training9

Legal Empowerment10

Women Participation in Political Practices11

Performance of Women owned enterprises in Tanzania11


Gender and Employment13

Legal Capacity14

Alleviation of Poverty in Nigeria16

Women Decision Making Abilities and Political Empowerment17

How Women Leadership is Related to all this…17

Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka18




The importance of leadership is such that it changes the fate of followers. The nations seeking development often look towards potential leaders able to make them prosper collectively. This paper aims to find out the importance of women leadership in the development of Tanzania, where the issue of gender inequality is highlighted in recent decade with vital importance. However, Women are rarely conceived as leaders in traditional society. In Tanzania several attempts have been made in polices and practices to raise the participation women through elected candidates in the government and chosen women on special reserved seats. The leadership is all about influencing others to follow. Leadership requires followers, and perception is bigger than reality. The women in underdeveloped or developing countries and regions including Tanzania, face economic, social, political, and legal inequality just on the basis of gender. The government is making attempts to bridge the gap by bringing reforms in constitution and enacting new laws that lower the inequality and also, by bringing more women in position of power through reserved seats in electoral process. NGOs and foreign government are directly aiding the process to bring immediate improvement in the gender gap. However, still a lot needs to be done.

Gender issues: Women in leadership and development in Tanzania


Leadership is studied and surveyed across nations and across time boundaries. The importance of leadership is such that it changes the fate of followers. The nations seeking development often look towards potential leaders able to make them prosper collectively. However, Women are rarely conceived as leaders in traditional societies. Despite the fact that, developed countries now accept women on leadership positions and many women serve as their head of country. The norms of society are perhaps more important than the facts of world. This is an issue of gender bias and inequality disfavouring women.

This paper aims to find out the importance of women leadership in the development of Tanzania, where the issue of gender inequality is highlighted in recent decade with vital importance. The government has also taken certain actions to counter this situation; however, it remains an objective of the report to find out the historical developments in Tanzania regarding women leadership and what more can be done to bring faster development in region with participation of women in the positions of power.

This paper includes a comprehensive review of literature to find out the ground realities and the effects of prior polices. The factors causing changes and representing barriers to change need to be highlighted first in order to effectively cope-up and present feasible solution. The paper highlights the statistics and examples from Tanzania from diverse sources including United Nations, government sources, and Non-Government Organizational ...
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