Equal Opportunities

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Equal opportunities policies should be gender blind

Equal opportunities policies should be gender blind


A lot of studies have very clearly showed that when women are properly empowered and supported, the entire society benefits from it since the families of these women are healthier, their children got the opportunities to go to the schools, the agricultural productivity also increases and eventually the income also increases. The following paper discusses the stance that equal opportunity must be provided to men and women and clear laws must be established.


Women are known for bearing almost all the responsibilities of the family in order to meet the basic needs of each and every member of the family. But even then, most of the women are systematically denied the freedom, resources and information which they need and which is their right in order to fulfill all these responsibilities. The vast majority of the entire world's poor consists of women. Almost two third of the illiterate population of world consists of women. Out of millions of those children who are deprived of attending school, majority of them are girls (human-rights.unglobalcompact.org). The current world crisis of the price of food is having the greatest impact on women. All around the globe, there are thousands and thousands of people who fed themselves two to three times in a day, but a very large percentage of females eat only once in a day. In addition to that, most of the women even deny themselves of that one meal per day to ensure the fact their children are properly fed (t3sc.org). Due to such reasons, these women are suffering from the effects of very severe kind of malnutrition, which would inevitably become the fate of their children as well. And the worst part is the fact that the impact of such crisis remains for years. Even though United Kingdom is a pioneer of the suffrage and the feminism of women, but even then, UK is facing a considerable amount of challenge before attaining the status of gender equality. Domestic violence is one of the major issues faced by the women of United Kingdom (www.modusgroup.com). Almost above 3 million women have experienced violence in UK in some form or other. A lot of women have been the target of discrimination just because of the fact that they are pregnant or some other womanly issue. Improvements within the education achievement and accomplishments are undermined due to the gender disparities especially when it comes to salaries, which rather continues to increase. According to a recent report of “Equal Opportunity Commission” it has been estimated that there is a time period of almost two decades before the equality of gender in employment and in education would become a reality (www.haringey.gov.uk).

A lot of debate has been going on for decades on the topic of worker participation and gender equality, but even then, there is very little consideration regarding how exactly the prospect and vision of exerting control and influence vary across different groups of ...
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