English As An Additional Language

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The role of a teacher in teaching English as an additional language

The role of a teacher in teaching English as an additional language


Language is defined as the said words of human being, and it is a means of communication that identify the ideas, feelings & thoughts (Dash, 2007, pp.2). Language plays a vital role in communication. Social networking is a part of life and language occurs within social relationships. In school, we learn that language that is a part of our communication. We learn different languages mostly because it is a necessity for communicating into the social world. Children at school learn at a subconscious level. Four components play a major role academic, linguistic, cognitive and Socio cultural. In elementary school years, child should develop oral and written language at the cognitive level. (Ovando, Chapter 1, 2006).

There are certain characteristics of language. It is human language is for speech. Language is symbolic. It is arbitrary, systematic and dynamic. It is a medium for communication. It is a cultural phenomenon. It is a social activity. It is conventional that is a particular system followed by the society. It is a purposeful activity that is satisfying the need for communication. It is a learned behavior that is child learns it at home, school and in social networks (Dash, 2007, pp.3). Language plays a vital role in one's life. Language gives words to a person ideas and feelings into words. Language is a tool for expressing one's thought. At international level people communicate via language. English language is used internationally as a medium for communication. Language effects the mental development of the child. Language is the basis for education as reading; writing and arithmetic are based on language. Children good in language represents good academic result as they understand and interpret their ideas and feeling in words (Dash, 2007, pp.4-5).

Language plays a vital role in children life. It is a medium of communication. Child at school has following use of language. While dealing with other either criticizing or augmenting language plays a vital part in imparting their feelings. Child identifies their present and experiences as they share their experiences via language. They develop fantasy life and language is the medium for communication (Dash, 2007, pp.6-7).

English as an additional language was referred as the language that is learnt besides the first language. Usually people who are migrated they learn English as an additional language. From the learner's part, they are in the minority as they face prejudice and racism while learning English as an additional language. Some teachers due to prejudice treat badly with students while few of them are supportive while teaching English. Researchers suggest that students have the opportunity to learn things, but it is difficult for them to acquire knowledge during the class and for this teacher support is of fundamental importance (Cummins et.al, 2007, pp.70).

Bilingualism was associated with teaching; knowing more than one language affect the academic and communication skills of a person. For normal minority students ...
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