End Of Life Care: How Religion Supports Practice

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End of Life Care: How Religion Supports Practice



Literature Review4

Practical Implications5



End of Life Care: How Religion Supports Practice


Studies analyzing the influence of religion on the palliative care practices have reached diverse conclusions. The research has been wide and open. The end of life care has been discussed widely across the globe and in all religious communities. The research has shown a correlation in religion and palliative care, but some have found no relationship and the cultural and ethical practices are stated to be more dominant. Personal attitude of the doctor is one of the main factors in shaping his/her behaviour towards the patient and personal attitude is highly affected by the religion one follows. This article reports the role of religion in palliative care practices. While living in a global culture, it becomes very necessary for us to understand the teachings, practices and influence of religion on the end of life care and treatment.

The research shows a strong relation between the religious beliefs of the patient, doctors and nurses and the underlying practices of the end of life care. People living in diverse religious and cultural background practice diverse practices regarding palliative care. These results can contribute much to the curriculum taought in the field of palliativce care and treatment.


The influence of increasing age and life threatening diseases raise questions for many people. These questions promote serious reviews of life, self-reflection, and resources to hold the religious and spiritual beliefs at the end of life (EOL). The percentage of older people in U. S. is increasing continuously and according to U.S. Census Bureau (2008) it will reach 20% in 2040. It becomes very necessary to understand the changing attitudes of the people towards death and mortality and their tendency to use spirituality and religiosity to cope up with the advancing death. Majority of the terminally ill patients seems to be cursing God for the disease they are suffering. Religion is a major force of influence in health, illness and death. It does influence end of life beliefs and practices (Bulow, et al, 2011).

The contemporary medical education has its own hidden curriculums which affect the way a patient gets his/her treatment during the illness period and in the terminal stages. In my point of view, the end of life care is one of the most sensitive and humane jobs a doctor or a nurse or any other family member of the patient can provide. The nature of the issue and its relation with people's inner soul encouraged the research.

The life is a practical lesson for us to learn and grow accordingly. The hard lessons teach us the way we should live and the way we chose our destiny. Death is a process of transition from one to another form of life. The practices of the terminally ill patients and those who are left behind are highly affected by religion. The support and care of family, doctors, nurses and all other people involved in patient's care process shape the overall ...
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