Educational Journal

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Educational Journal

Educational Journal

Quantitative Article


Gallagher, H. A. (2002). The relationship between measures of teacher quality and student achievement: The case of Vaughn Elementary. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Association, New Orleans, LA.

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The article was found while conducting a research through the education index, online, through the JSTOR library. After reviewing the abstract for interest, I then looked at the references, and considered the choices to be related and relevant.

This is a valid and reliable source, an educational journal, of quantitative research.

Defining the Problem

According to many researchers in order to improve student's learning, teacher's improvement in their skills is required. The one most basic strategy to improve a teacher's skill to attain the capacity which is required to accomplish the success of a student skills and knowledge based pay, which associates financial rewards to a teacher's specific competencies demonstration, and the effectiveness of such a system obviously rests on its implementation and also if the teacher's evaluation system takes under consideration the skills and the knowledge of a teacher which can contribute to a student's achievement and rewards the teacher respectively. This article presented a report on the relationship between the class room achievements, and a teacher's evaluation in a school terms of his skills and knowledge based pay.

Significance of this problem

The actual goal of the reforms which are standard based is basically to improve the outcomes of the students by primarily focusing on their achievements and success. This paper has contributed towards this knowledge by applying a quantitative analysis on factors like skills and knowledge based pay of a teacher with the level of success and achievement that a student achieves.

Variables, Methods and relationship

Since the paper seeks to analyze whether there is a relationship between the evaluation system entrenched in skills and knowledge based pay and the student's achievement, the variables in this quantitative article includes class room performance and the evaluation teacher's evaluation score and the site selected for the research was Vaughn Elementary and this was done by applying a hierarchy linear model and correlation analysis to examine the relationship and the dad that they used was gathered on the basis of interviews and also a document analysis, in order to expand the evaluation system in more further details.

Review of Literature

The review of the literature in this paper was elaborated quite intensively. The rationale ...
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