Editing A Literary Anthology

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Editing a Literary Anthology


The book Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras comprises of a number of essays and volumes. All these volumes give a sense that the struggle for recognition is still prevalent. The book is a bold collection of the theoretical and imaginative pieces. The book will serve as a literature piece that will be of lasting values to the women who belong to various communities as well as to the students of those communities. The full bands of the present issues are explored by the authors. This essay will show an anthology of the literature work of Gloria Anzaldua's that will help in creating an anthology. The book serves as a site where women of a different color has the right to freely communicate and express their issues and views that have influence on them as well as their society.

About the Editor

Most of the literary pieces that are included in the book comprises of the writer's thoughts of the tensions that exist. Anzaldúa always focuses on the point to convey the internal hurt that is being caused due to the political, social, and verbal coercion and at the same time took a language style that is in a fit with her personality. She remains in a quest for knowledge.

Thesis Statement

The language and the writing can serve as a best platform for a female to portray and reflects her feelings.

Literature Work 1

“In the world of the southern black community, I grew up in, “back talk” and “talking back” meant speaking as an equal to an authority figure. It meant daring to disagree and sometimes it just meant having an opinion.”

Gloria Anzaldúa asserts the following sentences in one of her article with the title “Talking Back”. The literature shows a critical and creative perspective of the editor regarding the women of different colors. The writer looked back into the days when she was once sent to the class room corner for “talking back: for making an attempt to tell her Anglo teacher the pronunciation of her name. The text is in the form of an expressive writing.

The speaker is asserting about her early life and growth in a black community where she passed the early years of life. She asserts that the focus old school was only on the presence of students, not on hearing them. She exclaimed that whenever a child tries to make oneself heard, it is just a way of inviting punishment. In all such circumstances, making a speech is a way of a courageous act. The rules of the way of living were formed by the black women. They use to possess a language that is so sweet and poetic that the speaker believes herself to be dead if she did not become a part of the discussion.

The importance of this text in the context of the main thesis statement is that it shows a reflection of how females in different communities have to face ...
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