Early Childhood Development

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Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development

A. Early childhood education is important, because it helps children out down the road. If a child starts their education early, then they will be used to getting up on a regular schedule and going to school. They will also get use to being separated from their parents at a younger age. They will get more learning interaction than they would if they were sitting at home in front of the television or playing video games (Wadsworth , 2002). Three of the things that the child care environment must have in order to overcome the lacking abilities of the child that become support in his development.

A Child must get the environment of the classroom much spacious, where he can have this ability of showing his activities openly. The other environmental view is the visual of his surroundings. He should have all the equipments that can help him in exploring the word. Moreover, the child needs to get involved into various playing activities that would help him in socializing with others and build the ability of being competitive. More attention and less ignorance from the teachers should be practiced (Livestrong, 2010). Sense of encouragement is also required from both teachers and parents for boosting up the potential of the child. Games that involve imaginative techniques should be introduced and played by children.

B. It is a common belief that infants and young children are influenced by the environment that surrounds them. Cognitive and social aspects of development are shaped and molded at an early age, as well as language, speech, perception, and motor skills. A young child's life is influenced by parents and family members, which is why they have a significant impact on the child's development (Guyton, 2011). When a child is old enough to attend ...
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