Dying At Home And Hospitals - Advantages And Disadvantages

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Dying At Home and Hospitals - Advantages and Disadvantages

Dying At Home and Hospitals - Advantages and Disadvantages


Death is the inevitable fact and everyone and every living thing has to face this reality. It is the expectation of all human being to die without the suffering of pain and problems. Almost everyone longs to die when all the family members and friends are present. It gives a sense of happiness when a dying person has the love and intimation of family members. While some people die in the hospitals where there are no family members, relatives and friends are present. The presence or absence of close one's cannot delay the process of death, but it is said that the pain of death is reduced when person dies in the presence of close one.

In this research paper we will explore the negative and positive aspects of dying in the home and hospitals. We will also pay some attention on the human experience about death.


Home is not the collection of articles and physical property and the luxuries, but the concept of home is completed when there are family members. Without family members and relatives, the home becomes merely the collection of some precious articles. There are strong evidences to suggest that the experience of dying at home is less traumatic (Gilbert, 2006).  A study was conducted on 333 adults diagnosed with cancer and caregivers. 59 percent of the patient died at home, 26 percent died at hospital and 7 percent of the patients died in ICU. Study also suggests that those who died in hospital and ICU, the last days of those patients were filled with emotional stress and those died in the home, they did not face psychological and emotional problems. The caregivers of the home dying patients gave opinion that these patients ...