Demonstrating Effective Leadership

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Demonstrating Effective Leadership

Demonstrating Effective Leadership: Case Study 23 A Speed Bump on Staff


Effective leaders are the ones that always prefer to keep the things simple by using their wide variety of influential characteristics that make them more effective and successful in their field, without making thing complicated for their followers. Amongst many leadership characteristics, some of the most common characteristics are self-awareness, care and concern for people, self-management, supporting and challenging the people, and involving everyone rightly.

Figure - The Leadership Development Organization (NMA, 2009)

In this paper, there will be an examination of a Case Study 23: A Speed Bump on Staff, in which there is a demonstration of the effective leadership in an organization.


The case study is about a good leader of an organization who is Penny Perkins, and working as a Director of the state's Child Support Enforcement agency. One fine cold morning when she entered the office, said her assistant Debby to gather every employee for an urgent meeting in the conference room. At the start of the meeting, Penny distributed copies of a chart to 16 subordinates who were present in that meeting. That chart was about the new compensation strategy for the employees according to their new grades in which the top 20% employees were under the category of 'the stars', the middle 60% 'the spear-carriers', and the bottom 20% 'the drags'. Also, the leader informed the subordinates that she planned to implement this new compensation strategy which is a proposition of John E. Tropman, and according to him, the compensation system in any agency is the most powerful factor that could control the performance of the human resources. Thus, Penny as being the director of the agency, planned to implement this new approach to improve the performance of her subordinates.

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