Culture And Language - Anth344 - Final Examination

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Culture and Language - ANTH344 - Final Examination

CULTURE AND LANGUAGE - ANTH344 - Final Examination

Instructor: Wilton Martinez, Ph.D.Student: ____________________________

Section 6380 - Fall 2013

This is a non-proctored, “take-home” Final Exam. You do not need to register to take the exam at a proctored location. You have a 72-hour period to complete the final examination and submit it to your online Assignments folder. In your completed examination document, please provide a complete list of any and all reference sources (including course textbooks, course modules, Internet sites, and other resources) used to prepare your answers to the final examination, using appropriate citation format.

Please use this document to write your responses and then submit it as you completed exam in your assignments folder. Also, please make sure that you read and sign the UMUC Academic Integrity Pledge included at the end of this document.


Please do the following: (1) answer all ten questions concisely; (2) give a definition for each one of the ten items listed below, and (3) provide an example for each item. Each response is worth five points. Do not write excessively; one to two paragraphs should be enough. Partial credit will be given if the example is missing.

1. From the list below, select three pairs of terms.

a) Define both concepts in each pair

b) Explain the significance of each concept for the study of anthropology

c) Provide an example to illustrate each concept

d) Your answer should be written in paragraph form.




Cross cousins/Parallel cousins

Cultural relativism/Ethnocentrism



Emic and Etic are the terms used in anthropology as theses are the terms derived by a linguistic Kenneth Pike. It is derived from the terms Phonemic and phonetic. These two approaches have suggested the view of cultural system in the society. The Emic approach had focused on the distinction of culture is useful for the members of the society. They have also distinguished between the supernatural and natural cultural approach. The native embers have authority for judging the Emic approach. There is accuracy in Phonemic identification in cultural approach. The Etic approach focuses on the scientific observations and the scientists can judge the description of this study as in the anthropology the linguistic accuracy is judged by the phonetic transcriptions (Emic and Etic Approaches (2013).

The Example of Emic and Etic depicts that the Emic study of employees was conducted via research study and it was indicated that the relationship had a great value when the culture of Chinese's and other societies are matched according to the general functionalist approach. The research approach of Emic and Etic suggested that Emic researches believed in the interconnected system and Etic researches believed in the isolation of particular culture. Emic researches based on the ethnographic approaches that is highly feasible in the filed of anthropology as this is all about studying culture in the research work whereas Etic researches deals with surveys it is less feasible in gaining insight of the participant culture. Moreover both approaches have distinct view regarding the cultural perspectives (Morris, ...