Cultural Event Report

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Cultural Event Report


Cultural Event Report


I had always wanted to visit the Smithsonian National Museum of National History in Washington DC because of all the amazing artifacts and natural specimens that are on display there. This assignment provided me another reason to pay a visit to it. The museum is under the administration of the Smithsonian Institution and is located on the National Mall in Washington DC and is one of the most visited national history museums in the world. I, along with some of my friends planned a visit to the place on the 10th of March, 2013 in the early hours of the day so that we can have a chance of making the most out of this visit. The weather was pleasant with a few clouds here and there. When we arrived at the museum, the first look at it was enough to suggest that the next few hours are going to be some of the exciting, intriguing and memorable ones of our lives.


The museum has an elephant in the entry way from where the journey to a whole lot of wonderful and amazing collection of artifacts and specimens begins. There is so much to look at in the museum from millions of tiny insects to skeletons of huge dinosaurs, from millions of plants preserved in the herbarium to millions of underwater species. And this is not enough; it houses cultural artifacts, a collection of gems and minerals, mammal specimens and replica human skulls that help in the understanding of human origins. All these and many more are exhibited in separate halls and provide enough for the interest of people visiting the place—adult and kids alike. We saw a lot of kids taking keen interest during the visit, and it assured us that the museum has all to offer ...
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