Critical Reflection: Human Behavior In The Macro Social Environment

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Critical Reflection: Human Behavior in the Macro Social Environment

Critical Reflection: Human Behavior in the Macro Social Environment

This paper is principally a critical reflection upon few of the various factors that are discussed in the booked named as “Human Behavior in the Macro Social Environment”. The book is written by Katherine van Wormer. In this book, there are various topic that are put under consideration; however, the headings, which I am supposed to cover includes Evidence-based practice, person-in-environment, classification system. Moreover, the background of PIE classification, individual and environmental dichotomy is also put under discussion.

This book principally communicates about human actions, which shape from psychological, biological, cultural and socio-economic factors, but the intellectual has given main importance to the intra-psychic factors for the elimination of cultural and socio-economic factors. This important association is to correct the over-sighting by assisting intellectuals to identify examples in ancestors, civilization, and value systems so as to generate secure and sustainable atmosphere for their prospect clientele (Van Wormer & Besthorn, 2010). The importance of sustainable and defenseless communal welfare practices are geared to help intellectual to connect in support for communal integrity.

Science has principally a great involvement in shaping the human behavior, and so as the cultural arrangement of any society. As Katherine argued that psychological and mental arrangement of each individual contributes in the arrangement of a society, however, it can be considered vice versa (Germain & Bloom, 1999). The psychology of an individual is principally a biological formation of human cognition. Thus, science has a significance contribution in the formation of social arrangement.

The Evidence-based practice (EBP) is to integrate the best research evidence to clinical skills of the professional and the preference of the user, according to Katherine, Research plays an important role in the establishment of a scientific method to guide care practice. It ...