Correlation Analysis

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Correlation Analysis


This study has comprised of analyzing the English and Spanish language proficiency on reading, writing and communication purpose for the immigrants. The quantitative approach has used for analyzing the data, and it's collected through questionnaire process. The research hypotheses also generated for the purpose of analyzing the effects. The Correlation process has extensively used for analyzing the relationship between two variables that have individually used in three different hypotheses. The statistical approach has significantly used due to which the researcher obtain impactful results. The table has critically effectual; for examining their relationship. The two hypotheses are positively correlated while one is negatively correlated. This may help the investigator to utilize these statistical concepts and further used it for future research. Overall research study is very effective for analyzing the proficiency of two different languages in terms of various concepts. The research study has analyzed the proficiency at three different approaches according to the hypotheses.


Research Hypotheses4


Conceptual Framework5



Descriptive Summary7

Hypothesis 18

Hypothesis 29

Hypothesis 310



Correlation Analysis


The research study has circulated multiple research questions that are totally related to two major significant languages such as English and Spanish. The main study has focused on approximately three research hypotheses that have targeted by researchers for analyzing the main situation, consequences and its impact on the overall country. It helps to analyze the overall US regions and their prospects and perception about to evaluate the proficiency of language in between two major languages that widely spoken in all over US.

The research questions that have highly possible and appropriate in this research study are s follows:

Q1. Is English proficiency in reading, writing and speaking correlated to age of immigration?

Q2. Is Spanish proficiency is correlated to age of immigration, identification with American culture and English exposure?

These are two major questions that help the researchers for analyzing the multiple affects on the basis of two major languages. The affects must be faced by immigrants whose have identification on American culture and English exposure.

The research questions help the investigator to describe the main study and its importance. It is also effectual for targeting main variables that critically examine the main outcomes. The necessity and importance of these research questions helps the investigators to evaluate the affected factors that examine the proficiency of two languages at different levels. The association of immigrants and exposure in American and English culture has identified through this research study(Kleck, 2007).

The major issues and sub-problems that have addressed to the researchers were during data collection of targeted respondents. During questionnaire, some respondents have responded very cautiously and remaining of the respondents did not take it seriously and provided irresponsive answers. This might create a big nuisance for researchers and they obtain incomplete data set. This lacking in data collection has created big haphazard which was considered as a major issue for the researchers.

The key predictor and outcomes that have attained from the results from this research study is the awareness of beneficial language for the respondents especially for the ...
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