Contentious Issues In Colleges And Universities Today

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Contentious Issues in Colleges and Universities Today


Hypothetical Context4

Week Two: Identification of Stakeholders4

Week Three: Gaining Faculty Support6

Week Four: Institutional Assessment10

College Inventory Cultures Data13

Descriptive Summary of Data: College Inventory Cultures13


Graphical Representation14


Week Five: Power Analysis15

Week Six: Resistance or Opportunities for Change17

Week Seven: Collaborating for Change19


Contentious Issues in Colleges and Universities Today


A platform for collaborative thinking and solving problems lies in the infrastructure of Apex Intercontinental University. This academic institution with its clear vision varies across the fields of continents and countries. The deeply rooted academic philosophy has developed the responsible students as global leaders. They perceived them as enthusiasts and tomorrow's architects. The accumulation of international partnership among students, faculty, stakeholders, and alumni helps in the development of solutions and practices to create a global impact. Apex Intercontinental University offers multitude of courses for Diploma, Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate Degrees. Apex International University enjoys the recognition of being pioneer and only online tuition free university. The wider focus of this virtual university is to enhance the academic needs of adult learners and working professionals.

This assignment is based on series of weekly submission of different tasks on the subject of contentious issues in colleges and universities today. The former discussion on Apex Intercontinental University is the hypothetical preamble set through the approach of writing position paper (Huddleston, 2009). Various practices and policies are made the part of discussion to understand the impact of enrollment and transfer of students in Apex Intercontinental University. The analysis as favor or against the notion of the topic has been made being Direct of Enrollment Management of the university.

Hypothetical Context

The commencement of programs such as e-Capabilities and Distance Learning creates an opportunity for obtaining worldwide recognized qualifications to nourish skills and knowledge in a challenging and competing environment. The major operations and administrations of Apex Intercontinental University run from the State of Florida in USA. Apex Intercontinental University is a nonprofit organization that sustains to commit and create global operations for children, adults, and youth. The corporate and social commitment of Education for All (EFA) works in five key areas with the collaboration of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Policy dialogue, monitoring, mobilization, advocacy, and capacity development are measures for the successful implementation of effective management in Apex Intercontinental University (Bess & Dee, 2008).

Week Two: Identification of Stakeholders

The changing policies related to the transfer students and enrollment issues reduce the numbers of transfer students than previous year. Policies and practices are the backbone of the administration of Apex Intercontinental University. The growth, capacity, and management of the college and university plays institutional role in its proper administration. Teaching, research, and service are viable groups under the subculture of sharing acceptance in the culture of the organization. The professional discipline and the academic backgrounds of personals from education, human services, management, marketing, social services, business, and marketing are professional secondary forces that make up the pool of stakeholder for the college campuses or universities (Kezar, 2001).

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