Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour


In this case study, there are some main points to be understood. In order to celebrate 25th wedding anniversary, parents wants to go out with their children. They want to spend time together and go on holiday. Parents said to their 2nd daughter that this could be her last holiday with her parents because her elder sister is married and she has one year old child, so she is busy in her routine life with her family. You and your brother are at university, so only 16 years old sister left full-time with parents. Their children want to go out with their parents and celebrate anniversary. They don't care about the place or what it costs. They just want to meet the requirement of each and every family member. Parents wants to go for holiday together because they both came from families where going away as unit was consider normal and desirable. They have experienced one of the last best holiday with their parents when they were young. You have talked to both of sisters but not your brother because he is one year older than her and he does not keep in touch with the family. Her younger sister also argues that their elder sister won't be able to come with them. She also don't want to go with them but in order to please her parents, she said that she will look for final decision. Now, there are several alternative scenarios and she has to choose one final decision. The output of this decision can be in terms of action or opinion of choice. This paper addresses the issues in differences in preferences for each age group within the family, as the family in discussion comprises of individuals aged 1 to 52. Therefore, everyone has their own perspective of holidays and time spent with their family. Also, if the family even agrees to go together on a holiday there would be difference in destination selection.


Level of involvement

When we want to take some final decision then there all the family members have to be considered. Although, every person has their own level of involvement in terms of interest in that particular decision, but if we consider this case study then we came to know that, children have the main involvement in the final decision took by parents, as whatever they do is for the happiness and betterment of their children. The problem at hand within this case is that parents want their children to come with them and to go out together for a holiday (Fisher, 1966, 31). Even within all the children, the 2nd and younger daughter have high involvement in this decision making process. The elder sister who is married and their brother have less involvement in this decision making process. Decision will be made by all the children and their parents. Both elder brother and sister do not seem to have any interest in this holiday outing with their family members ...
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