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There are many theories that have been developed to make improvements in the field of education system. The most important theory that has made vast improvements in the field of education is constructivist theory of learning. This theory has been applied by many teachers in their classrooms to enhance the knowledge of the students. Therefore, this assignment is focused on providing an understanding of constructivism, its principles, its difference from other theories of learning, and its difference from traditional approaches to learning. Classroom observations have also been made to evaluate the principles that are used by various constructivist teachers in the classrooms. This observation of classrooms helped in determining the principles that most of the constructivist teachers are using to facilitate the students. The use of constructivist principles of learning helps the teachers in facilitating the students in developing their knowledge.



Constructivism is defined as a type of learning theory that belief that the human beings learn to make an attempt to establish meaning in the world that surrounds them. The constructivists believe that the learning process of human beings is more self-directed and active than other learning theories (Fritscher, 2008).

It is a theory that is based on scientific and observational study regarding the way people learn. This theory believes that the people learn and develop their own knowledge and understanding of the world based on the various experiences that they go through. When an individual comes across something new, he or she compares it with his or her previous knowledge and decides whether to believe this new information or discard it. The human are reactors to the knowledge that they have already gained.

The constructivism theory in learning has provided a number of changes to the teaching practices. According to this theory, the students should be encouraged to use various techniques such as real world problems and experiments to enhance their knowledge. In this theory, it is very important for the teachers to be aware of the already existing concepts and knowledge of the students (

Principles of Constructivist Learning

The various principles for constructivist learning are as:

Learning of human being is an active process during which the humans use sensory inputs to establish meaning of the information in their minds.

The learning of people consists of both constructing system of meaning as well as constructing meaning. Each and every thing that people learn and construct in their mind enables them to understand other things that are of the similar pattern.

The construction of meaning takes place in the mind. Activities that engage the minds should be conducted to ensure proper learning.

The language that people use has a very strong influence on the learning process of humans.

As learning is a social activity, the learning process is very closely linked with the learner's connection with other human beings such as teachers, family, acquaintances, and peers. The possibility of successful learning will be higher if this principle of learning is considered.

Learning is always contextual. The learners learn in relation to their beliefs, what they ...
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