Computer Architecture

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Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture


In the field of computer science and computer engineering, the term “computer architecture” can simply be defined as the art, which specifies the parts and the relations of a computer system. Hence, in this context it is important to note that a computer architecture consist of a number of small or big components combined together where each component or element has its own function and importance. These components include buses, operators and other important constituents.


Von Neumann Architecture and Its Importance

This can simply be regarded as the first written description regarding the working procedure of an electronic computer that is capable of processing data and storing programs. The very first account explaining Von Neumann architecture details was published in the year 1945 in the John von Neumann's study. This architecture consisted of a Memory, an ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), a Control unit, and an Input/output mechanism.

In comparison to the Turing machine, this architecture offers a RAM (Random-Access Memory) which refers that each of the successive operation has the ability to write or read any memory location, with no dependency of the location, which was accessed by any previous operation. The architecture includes a CPU (Central Processing Unit ) with one or multiple registers which keeps data on which the operations are performed (Coward, 1997).

It is essential to note that the proposed Von Neumann architecture is essential as it is also applied for the computers that are used today. The 8086 computers and many others utilized this particular technology. With the advances in computer technology, various ways have been introduced to store data and instructions such as pipelines, store memory, etc. However, the fundamental principle of the architecture remains the same.

System bus and its Uses

A system bus can simply be defined as the single computer bus, which is responsible for connecting all the major components and elements of the computer systems. This technique was introduced for the sake of reducing costs and expenses and improving the modularity. The system bus simply operates by combining the essential functions and features of three important buses. These include the data bus, which is responsible for carrying information and data, and the address bus is responsible to find where this information should be transferred, and also the control bus which identifies the operation to be performed on this data. Although, this technique was very commonly used between the years of 1970s and 1980s, however, the modern computers adapt and utilize a wide variety of separate to cater needs that are more specific (Linda & Julia, 2010).

Nevertheless, the System bus in itself offers the option of multitasking. This simply means that this one single bus is capable of performing all the three most essential tasks regarding the data or the information. This also refers to a bus architecture more compact, less complicated and more economical. Many early microcomputers including a CPU typically on the single integrated circuits were manufactured with the help of the single system ...