Comparison Websites

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Advantages of Comparison Websites

Advantages of Comparison Websites


Comparison reflects the estimation of the resemblances and dissimilarities between two or more products, prices etc. In today's revolutionized and contemporary world, where everything is just away from a click, the marketing strategies to attract the customer have a vital significance for the success of the business. The online shopping is advantageous not only to the customer but to the retailer and wholesalers, as well through avoiding rush, out of stock issues, time, money and energy wastage. In e commerce the comparison strategies are used to carry out survey through price comparison prior to actual shopping to gather best possible information about the products and services. The advertisements on the comparison websites is adopted by various companies to approach the large population globally to promote their products through comparing their benefits and packages over other's options. It is considered as a clever advertisement to assert and avow customer through delivering best quality. From the customer's point of view, it is time saving and help in decision through providing comparing options with in their price range.

Nonetheless, there are some companies who do not brand on comparisons sites to retain their market position stable and separate, utilizing it as a marketing tactic. This helps them establish customer loyalty through management of best quality from years to retain their customer. From the retailer's point of view, being not on the comparison sites these insurers create problems to the retailers as it becomes time consuming to make a decision as they search official and legal insurers separately. Sometimes the overloaded e advertisement and information presented to the customer make it difficult for the customer to select among various products from retailers, insurer's etc. in such circumstances the comparison sites are the preferred plat form for the customers to seek better options and retailers to display best quality products obtained from vendors. These sites help in the reduction of information overload (Hyung Seok, L, Dong Soo, J, & Jemi, C, 2011, pp. 3-5). The comparison sites help the customer in the same way as the e commerce sites and also link the e commerce sites with the customer and retailers through the delivery of relevant and important information and aid in approaching rationale purchase through facility to compare costs and evaluation of the relevant product and company information.

The development of theories on the basis of the policies and strategies for determination of advantages of the comparison sites to customer, retailers and why it is not preferred by some big market car insurers i.e. Aviva and Direct Line depends upon the understanding of the main benefits and concerns related to the use of comparison sites to improve business and comparison through the price will permit the purchaser to decide on the exposure that is within its assortment. These assessment studies on the foundation of legal and law legislations are expectant to bring out the customer's necessities and once a year or monthly revenues and profits to demonstrate its ...
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