Compare And Contrast Qualitative And Quantitative Research

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Compare and Contrast Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Compare and Contrast Qualitative and Quantitative Research


This paper is formulated to differentiate the notion between quantitative and qualitative researches in terms of their problem statement, purpose statement and research questions. To pursue this assignment, it is essential to select two different researches, in which one need to be qualitative - whereas - other should have to be quantitative. Thus, to pursue this task, I have chosen two peer reviewed researches - one is called “How Happiness Affects Choices”, it is quantitative study. Whereas, the other is called “How Parental Expectations and Rules Influence Beverage Choices in Early Adolescence” - this is principally a qualitative study. This manuscript will provide a critical analysis, comparison and contrast of both the researches.

Critical Description upon “How Happiness Affects Choices”

This research is conducted by Cassie Mogilner, Jennifer Aaker and Sepandar D. Kamvar. The study is principally about the consumer behavior; that how happiness affects upon the buying behavior of a customer (Mogilner, C et al. 2011). The paper is an extensive study of the happiness, within which a couple of studies are conducted to reveal the real factors and effects of happiness in the decision making process

Purpose Statement

The Purpose of this research is to study the phenomenon behind happiness, what happiness really is and what it means to the customer. Despite of it, the purpose of this research is to understand the notion of happiness from marketers' perspective, in order to understand the actual meaning of happiness to the customers, and how it can be achieved (Mogilner, C et al. 2011).

Problem Statement

Understanding consumers' behavior is in itself is a big problem. However, the problem statement in this paper is that “since ages, the marketers are increasingly trying to appeal to consumers' pursuit to happiness. Sometimes they managed to make them happy, whereas, many times they fail to do so. They still are unable to understand the phenomenon and secret behind the happiness of a consumer” (Mogilner, C et al. 2011).

The paper is addressing to this problem of the marketers, to make them understand the consumers' interpretation of happiness.

Research Question

The research question in this paper is quite appropriate to the purpose and problem, which is going to be catered from this research. The research question states that “does the promise of happiness drive customers' choice? Or it depends upon what happiness means to the customers?” (Mogilner, C et al. 2011)

This is considerably the question, which has become the foundation of this study. The question is kept rather simple, so that a comprehensive and meaningful outcome can get achieved by the researcher (Mogilner, C et al. 2011). Therefore, to extend the study, the researchers have used six different cases to conclude to an evocative outcome.

Critical Description upon “How Parental Expectations and Rules Influence Beverage Choices in Early Adolescence”

This article is principally a qualitative research of the nutrition behavior and education, which is written by Lori Roth-Yousey, Yen Li Chu and Marla Reicks. The article is basically communicating about the influence on the ...