Comparative Analysis

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Comparative Analysis

Problem statement

What improves pressure Ulcer wound healing time? Electrical nerve stimulation or negative pressure wound therapy?


The pressure ulcers are also known as bedsores that are one of the most commonly hospital acquired problems. The pressure ulcers refer to the condition in which the skin or the underlying tissues of the skin, leading to a longer patient hospital stay and an elevation in the cost of the treatment. As Allman and his co researchers' states, the pressure ulcers are responsible to increase the time span of patient in the hospital, it would also make the patient more susceptible for nosocomial infections and increase the overall expenditure on the treatment (1999). The condition usually starts with mild marks or decolorized skin and can get worse, displaying open wounds with underlying damaged tissues and muscles. The pressure ulcers do not develop only by applying pressure to any body part, but it usually develops in those parts of the body, which are covered for a prolong period of time and have to bear an extreme pressure (NHS, 2012).


There are many researches that are carried out on the effectiveness of wound healing therapy in pressure ulcers. The wound healing remains to be a significant problem in pressure ulcers, affecting the quality of patient's life. The preventive measures taken to avoid the occurrence of these ulcers involves the mattresses and beds for relieving pressure, while the treatment of pressure ulcer wounds require extensive wound therapies, including the compression therapy, negative pressure wound therapy and electrical nerve stimulation. These therapies are chosen on the basis of their effectiveness and capability to reduce the time of healing in the patient.


Population, Intervention and Relevance Of The Studies

There are several researches conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two famous therapies that reduce the wound healing time in pressure ulcers. There three relevant researches chosen for this assignment. These are given in the table below

Researchers and Year



Gardner, Frantz, Schmidt (1999).

Meta-analysis was performed on the groups with electrical stimulation therapy and the controlled groups. The results were then compared and analyzed.

A total of 15 studies was included in the review. Twenty four on electrical stimulation and other fifteen were control samples,

Baker, Chambers, DeMuth & Villar, (1997).

Patents received electrical nerve stimulation through one of the following techniques

1)an asymmetric biphasic (A)

20 symmetric biphasic (B) square-wave pulse

80 patients were taken for the study

Page, Newswander, Schwenke, Hansen, & Ferguson, (2004).

Records of patients who were treated with negative pressure wound therapy were taken and analyzed

47patients all with open wounds and major defects of the soft tissues were included in the study

Appraising the Studies For Their Relevance

Quality and Precision of the Evidence

The studies Gardner, Frantz, and Schmidt included in their meta-analysis were all clinically relevant. There were nine randomized control trials, five non-randomized control trials amongst which the three randomized control trials were enough to provide with the information required.

The study by Baker, Chambers, DeMuth & Villar is relevant as the sample size is appropriate, the technology used to provide the patients of open wound ...
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