Clothing Industries

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Clothing Industries

Clothing Industries of United States


Clothing industries of United States has experienced a recovery in 2011 which caused this industry more challenging through the overstated volatility & extraordinary highs in cotton along with the pricing of the materials. Generally, the sales value increase which was due to the inflation with stable growth for children-wear, men clothing and clothing accessories. The proportion of men apparel is smaller compared to women that grew substantially since consumers attempted new fashions. The aim of the paper is to analyze the clothing market development and its interaction with other markets. Beside this, the report will focus on the supply, demand, and market structure analysis of the clothing industry of United States.


United States Apparel industry consists of manufacturing activities of men, women and children clothes in which fabric is the main raw materials. After experiencing the high growth revenue, the Global Apparel industry has suffered lower demand during 2008 to 2009. This was due to the hit of global recession and the demand for the apparels which had higher prices declined. This was particular in countries like Japan, United States and Europe. In emerging market such as China the demand for apparel was continued to grow during this period, the industry was a bit affected by the recession (U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1987).

As far United Stated clothing industry is concern, it has been divided into men, women and children Apparels. This industry is affected by the price of the raw material which is the major component for manufacturing clothes. In short, the supply industries are Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing while demand industries wholesale and Retail Trade, Department Stores & General Merchandise Stores (Gereffi G., 2001).

Development of USA Clothing Market

During 18th century, the clothing manufacturing has been termed as the large part of the household industry in United States. This industry comprises of rising of the raw materials through the spinning and weaving to the sewing. During the period of colonial fine imported textiles consist of clothing, bed and table linens which were used to be very expensive items. Tailors shops in large cities use to make up to dates, custom made comfortable clothing. Nevertheless, average family used to make clothe in their houses where women used to wear plain and durable clothes which was made with wool and fabric or a well/ line or clothes which has mixed cotton. The elimination of spinning and weaving from houses was started from 19830 when American Apparel industry turns to be established. The clothes which were made from machine were sold to the rural householder from stores (U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1987).

Source: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment

The characteristics of the sewing machines influence the clothing structure till the current ears of the industry. The los costs, simplicity and portability have promoted the industry decentralization which was focused on unskilled labors, piece-work along with the low capital investment. The cost of sewing was relative low that is $50 during 1858 while ...
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