Changes In Tribal Order Over Time

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Changes in Tribal Order over Time

Changes in Tribal Order over Time


A world is a very diverse place where different people with different mentalities exist. Billions of people live in this world and all these people have billions of different perceptions and thoughts. Similarly, the ways of living differ from one person to another. Where majority of world societies have developed themselves to come under the domain of modernization and civilization; many people still live in the tribal areas and under the tribal system of living.

Although changes within the tribal order have not been extremely huge and worth highlighting, still the tribal order has changed in a number of different ways over time. Over the extensive period of time, tribes have actually got the opportunity to learn a thing or two regarding how to become better and improved. In order to better understand about the changes which have taken place with regards to the tribal order; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.


Before understanding the tribal life successfully, it is indeed necessary to understand the characteristics of tribes and how tribal orders actually affect the ways of living within tribes. Tribal life is a different world all by itself. The reason behind this is that the people living in tribes have their own sets of rules, traditions and culture etcetera. Moreover, the characteristics mentioned on the following page with regards to the tribal order are worth highlighting.

Definition of a Tribe

A tribe refers to a social setting existing within a conventional society which consists of communities or families which are connected through blood, religious, economic or social ties (Abramson et al, 2011). Moreover, the people living with a tribe usually have the same dialect and culture. Similar to the modernized societies, tribes also have their own leader who looks after all the matters of the tribe's operations and makes decision regarding the acceptable and non-acceptable actions with regards to the tribe.

Tribal Order

Every society has a set of rules, rituals and traditions which are followed by all the people living within the society. Similarly people living in tribes have their own sets of rules and regulations on which they live their lives. Tribal Order refers to the overall system through which a tribe operates. This includes everything ranging from the membership criteria to the way a tribal culture is formed, developed and executed. In a nutshell, tribal order could be referred to as a book or code of conduct which includes information relative to the following areas:

Political and Legal Systems within the Tribe

Governance related information

Conceptualization and Implementation of Political Beliefs

Distribution of Power and Position within the Tribe

Exercising authority and power and the possible barriers to such exercising

Solution of Disputes

Production and reproduction of law and order procedures, rules, principles and institutions

Criteria for Membership of the Tribe

Management of resources with reference to the tribe's operation (Gluckman, 2012).

Membership in Tribal Order

Membership has been one of the most discussed topics with reference to the Tribal Order. The reason behind this is that membership within a ...
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