Change Theory Matrix And Literature Review

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Change Theory Matrix and Literature Review

[Name of the institute]Change Theory Matrix and Literature Review

Change Theory Matrix

Change Theories

Lewin's Change Management Model

McKinsey 7-S Model

Kotter's 8 Step

Purpose of the change model

This three step model provides an outline to get assistance in visualizing, planning and in managing change process

According to this model to bring change in the organization a change in any of the variable should be brought. Alteration in one or two variables may show result for short term but for long term sustainability of progress every variable should be taken into consideration.

To make the implementation of change much easier to improve the chances of success by providing planned steps to follow to bring change

Historical/political perspective

Lewin's first job inspired him to devise this model. He was hired as refugee scholar and dealt with the issue of con?ict in marriage, communication and attitude change, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-racism. Dealing with all these aspects required him to change perception which in turn inspired him to devise this model

This model came into being during a two days séance in San Francisco. After discussion and minor amendments Tom Peters and Robert Waterman were successful in giving final touches to this model

Kotter first presented this model in his 1995 book Leading Change. Kotter outlined an eight-stage process that leaders should take their organizations through when implementing change


Lewin's force field theory demonstrates that organizational change is seldom the basic linear process of unfreezing, transforming and refreezing.

structure, strategy, system, skills, style, staff and shared values

Create Urgency

Form a Powerful Coalition

Create a Vision for Change

Communicate the Vision

Remove Obstacles

Create Short Term Wins

Build on the Change

Anchor Changes in the Corporate Culture of the Organization



Simple, easy to understand, can be implied in any situation whether strategic and incremental, reactive or anticipatory change is to implemented


Only feasible for small scale changes

Strengths: Guide for organizational change, involves both emotional and rational factors

Weaknesses: It does not take into consideration the differences

Strengths: systematic and balanced

Weaknesses: A lengthy process


When changes are to be brought on a small scale then Lewin's model is suitable

This model is considered as an aid in understanding organization it is applied when there is a need to understand the organization

What makes the application of this model easy is that it not only focuses on change but also takes into consideration the acceptance and preparedness for this change

Process for implementation

The process starts by enthusing motivation in employees then making efforts to remove old beliefs and ...