Change Process Within An Organization

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Change Process within an Organization

Change Process within an Organization


This paper is principally elucidating upon the change process, which is required by any organization in order to transform its system of processes into a new and innovative mechanism that would ensure success. In a fast changing world, the success of leaders and organizations depend on their ability to manage change processes (Ford & Ford, 1995). Many organizational change initiatives fail, not because the heading is wrong, but because the people who move the organization do not fully adhere to the initiative.

These initiatives include changing work habits, behaviors and ways of thinking regarding the culture of an organization. Organizations do not change unless people change their behaviors and attitudes. However, managers tend to overlook the human side of change, but impose change by itself, which does not result in success (Bryson, 1988). It is necessary to take people feel the need to change and involve them in a change project.

In this paper, managers are assisted to lead change processes with intelligence, analytical and emotional involvement. We analyzed the cases of success and failure. Identify good practice and help participants avoid common mistakes. We focus on the human side of change, deepening strategies that enhance a change in attitudes and behaviors in organizations. We take managers to apply simple principles that worked well, make all the difference to the success of a change initiative.

Aims and Subject of the Change Process

The Change Process aims to help managers and staff with high potential to lead change initiatives successfully, getting the full commitment of colleagues and collaborators (Beer, 1987). For this purpose, I have analyze the following questions, which are essential to be answered while pursuing change process, with emphasis on people management and organizational behavior:

How to plan the critical steps for a successful change?

How to generate a mobilizing vision and set goals that guide to action and inspire?

How to create a sense of urgency?

How to engage employees in the construction of a project change?

How to communicate changes that impact and sense of justice by appealing to reason and feelings?

How to instill energy, optimism and positive emotions in processes of change?

How to create and celebrate victories short term?

How to anticipate, identify and overcome sources of resistance to change?

How to assess the evolution of a design change?

How to consolidate the change in the organization?

Understanding the Change Process

To conduct the process of organizational change, making the crossing of the current place in which it is heading to a new level of performance where it will get more success and better results, the organization needs to have some skills; very straightforwardly (Esterhuysen, et al. 1993). The organization need to have them installed between its staff and the leadership. Organizational transformation required for each time more demanding and complex.

Giving rise, before the first step towards the desired change, it is necessary for the company to collect and evaluate, with much realism; however, neither underestimate nor overestimate their skills for organizational transformation (Ford & Ford, ...
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