Change Management Plan

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Change Management Plan

Change Management Plan


This paper discuss the change management plan of the Wal-Mart with respect to the Human Resource Management policies, procedures, practices, programs or the initiatives that should be taken to improve the Human Resource practices of the company. This paper applies the Kotter's 8 stage process of the enhancing the Human Resource Management practices. Change Management is referred to shifting individuals or employees in an organization from a present stage to a desired future stage. The management of an organization aims to bring changes in the processes of an organization to improve business and move the business to success. Change management is the managing the employees within the organization. According to the definition of Kotler, change management is the maximum utilization of resources, by rotating the employees with the organization (Cameron & Green, 2012).


I have selected Wal-Mart to apply the Kotter's 8 steps model for change. In the current business arena every company has to face different challenges on the daily basis. Beside these challenges one thing is constant and that is “change”. Therefore the role of the change management plays a vital role in the management of the company. Kotter purposed 8 stages model of change. I will apply this model on the Wal-Mart.

HR Issue in Wal-Mart

The most highlighted HR issues of the Wal-Mart is the sex discrimination. The women employees complain that they have been paid less and provided less opportunities of promotion as compared to men. Apart from these issues another issue is that the company pays fewer wages as compared to the market. Employees of the Wal-Mart do not get chance of promotion. The policy of transparency of reward and appraisal is an issue for the HR. Following is the Kotter's model which is implemented to resolve these issues.

Step one of ...
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