Challenges Of Single Parents In Education

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Challenges of Single Parents in Education


Objectives of the Study2

Literature Review2

Time Management3

Reason of Acquiring Education Being a Single Parent4

The Importance of Education in the lives of Single Parents7

Single Student Parents Having Special Children8

Methodology and Research Process9




Challenges of Single Parents in Education:

Uncovering the experiences of a student raising a child with special needs


The study intends to expound the most overriding issue in the contemporary society that is single parenting whilst studying. The primary aim of this study is to highlight the challenges that single parents encounter during their pursuit and course of further education and caring their children at the same time and more specifically when it comes to rear special children. The single parents have to do the most near to impossible job of work, study and parenting at the same time. This trend has significantly elevated since the last decade which is according to the statistics that around thirteen percent of students enrolled in college or universities are single parents in each year. While on the other side, around forty four percent of women opt for abortions as according to them that having a baby would interfere in their university and work lives (Taylor, 2012). However, it has also been observed that most single parents delay their pursuit of education due to many issues such as time management and to look after their babies with special needs and try to be with them until their children are old enough to stay home unsupervised (Meem, 2000). Hence, sometimes it feels as if there is no room for acquiring education while single parenting. This is because having to be a mother, student, and care taker is twenty four seven job where maintaining a proper balance among all is the most challenging task.

This research has been specially conducted to highlight the contemporary issue of single parenting and pursuing education at the same time. The topic would also be discussed in the light of empirical studies along with the inclusion of personal experience of one of my university fellow through the one on one interview. Primarily the research is based on recognizing the bravery and determination portrayed by the single parents specially single mother in caring for a child with special needs while not giving up their acquisition of university education.

Objectives of the Study

To highlight the bravery of single mothers' struggles of student life while looking after a child with special needs. It would encourage other carers/parents of children with special needs to further their education. It would raise awareness of the support available to students that have children with special needs in university. It would also point out that studying is possible regardless of one's situation with determination, courage and perseverance. This is an interview report project that involves only one participant, who is a single mother of a child with special needs undertaken a part time degree. I interviewed her one on one within the University premises.

Literature Review

The single parent family is the fastest growing trend and ...
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