Certificate Iv In Training And Assessment

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Certificate IV in Training and Assessment


1.Learning Styles4

a.Adult Learning Theory4

b.Adult Learning Principles5

Self-sufficient and Self-motivated5

Role of Educator5

Bring life Experience and Knowledge6

Role of Educator6

Goal Oriented6

Role of Educator6

Relevant study7

Role of Educator7


Role of Educator7

Respect of Adult Learners8

Role of Educator8

c.The Learning Cycle8

2.OHS requirements for Pre-Training9

a.OHS information before training9

Venue issues at the start of training event10

b.OHS information of training event11

c.Throughout training delivery11

3.Occupational Health and Safety Procedures12

a.Recording OHS Hazards in Organization12

b.Emergency Procedures of OHS12

c.OHS information Sourcing12

d.Equipment Maintained for Safety in Workplace13

4.Learner centered environment13

a.Examples of Individual or Group-Based Learning13

b.Resources or support personals14

5.The Effectiveness of Training14

a.Evaluation of Sessions14

b.The Benefits of Conducting an Evaluation15

6.Storing Training Records in Workplace15

7.Learning Theories15

a.Behaviourist Learning Theory15

b.Cognitive Learning Theory15

c.Information Processing16

8.Complete the Following16

a.Varying needs of Individual Learners Within Group16

b.Different Needs of Learners Within a Group to Make Learning Effective16

9.Inappropriate Behavior of Learner16

a.Example 116

b.Example 217

10.Planning and Organizing on the Job Learning17

a.Example 1:17

b.Example 2:17

11.Presentation Aids17



1.Vocational Education and Training (VET)18

Features of VET18

2.Characteristics of Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA)18

3.Relationship between a Training and Assessment Strategy Document and Learning Program19

4.Accredited Courses19

5.Acronyms in Vocational Education Training19

6.Relation of AQF Levels to AQF Qualifications20

7.Endorsed Components of a Training Package20

8.Contextualized Resources21

9.Reasonable Adjustment21

10.Dimensions of Competency21

11.Employability Skills22

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment


Learning Styles

The preferred method for the individuals to study and gain knowledge is called “learning style”. It is the responsibility of instructor or educator to adopt different methods of learning environment so that the students can take interest in gaining knowledge. An educator can adopt different learning styles to share his knowledge and experience with the students. Such learning styles must be adopted to fulfill the preferred choice of the students. Usually the students have different capabilities of acquiring knowledge. Everyone wants to acquire knowledge in different learning styles; no one is specific to a single choice.

There are three learning theories which are described as follows:

Adult learning theory

Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style Model

Kolb's Experimental Learning theory and Learning Style.

Adult Learning Theory

The educators sometimes are not much educated or experienced in their field. They follow the policy to aid the student learning. Andragogy also called Adult Learning Theory which was formed in Europe in the decade of 1950. It explains that the adults are best suited to the environment where they face problems and they find the solutions by themselves. The adults also need peculiar requirements as learners. All the students are not adults, but it is significant to encourage the students to acquire the abilities to learn as adult learners.

Adult Learning Principles

One of the pioneers of field of adult learning known as Malcolm Knowles (1980-1984) proposed some characteristics of adult learning. There are six principles identified by the Knowles for Adult learning, they are as follows:

Self-sufficient and Self-motivated

When the other people try to impose ideas or actions on the Adult learners, they slow down in learning (Fidishun, 2000)

The adults are of the view that they want to learn in their own style. Adults set their learning goals and achievement by themselves.

Role of Educator

It is the responsibility of the educator to:

To start a graded learning program, ...