Case: W. L. Gore & Associates

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Case: W. L. Gore & Associates

Case: W. L. Gore & Associates

Q. no. 1: What theories from this Chapter are Relevant for this Case?

The case of W. L. Gore & Associates is principally an example of great leadership, which is associated with a number of theories of leadership that are discussed in the Chapter 7. In this case, there are two theories applicable in term of leadership - the contingency theory and the behavioral theory. The Contingency theory applies in the sense that the leadership of W. L. Gore & Associates has never been the same, means that under each situation, the leadership style and strategy of Bill Gore changes (Fisher, 1998). However, in the sense of Behavioral Theory, it applies in the sense that leadership can be taught, and under different circumstances a leader is expected to be capable of performing in various dimensions. In this case, we have seen behavioral change in the leadership of W. L. Gore & Associates under different circumstances.

Q. no. 2: How did the Gore's “sponsors” program facilitate the creation of high-quality relationship among leaders, sponsors and associates?

The Sponsor Program at W. L. Gore & Associates is principally a nice initiative in the form of commitment with the leaders, sponsors and other stakeholder that are associated with the organization. This would definitely help in maintain a good relationship with all these members that are associated with the organization. It is essential in order to maintain an environment of family in the organization; thus, this initiative is taken to maintain a strong relation amongst experienced employees and the employees, who recently got hired (DeFazio, 2003). This sponsor program allows new employees to find a mentor and groom their professional skills accordingly. This would help individuals to get associated with the organization for long terms, as they got professionally development under experienced personnel. Definitely, this would help in keeping a high quality relationship with the newly hired employees, sponsors, leaders and other stakeholders (DeFazio, 2003).

Q. no. 3: Evaluate followership at W. L. Gore & Associates. What company actions and policies account for the quality of followership?

The founder of W. L. Gore & Associates has come up with four principle measures upon which the quality of the followership is being measured.

Justice and Fairness with each and every associate and individual attached with the orgainztaion.

Liberty to give confidence, assist, and provide knowledge and training to the associate so that (s)he would be able to gain professional skills and learning.

Keeping Commitments is also a considerable principle in managing followership.

Consultation with other associates before undertaking actions that could affect the reputation of the company.

On the basis of these four principles the quality of the followership is being measured under the guidance of Bill Gore. Fairness is considerably the biggest concern from both the follower and the leaders. Despite of it, it is obligatory upon the leader to provide with freedom and help to the new employee, so that he/she would be able to learn and cope up in a friendly and comfortable ...
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