Case Study For Going To The X-Stream

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Case Study for Going to the X-Stream




X-Stream was launched in the city of Auckland six years ago by its Chief Operating Officer Gill Reihana. Personal computers were assembled by X-stream and were sold in the markets of Australia and Newzealand through retail stores. The company soon managed to gain good response and developed a good reputation through quality products and good services. Gill was well-motivated, hard working and determined to succeed. He was enthusiastic and passionate about his work. He believed that the environment in the work place should be casual in order to make communication more convenient and effective. He believed that strategic decisions should be taken with the consultation of everyone within the organization and then the employees should be given the license of implementing them in their preferred way. He aimed to maintain a good relationship with the employees and by meeting them regularly and asking them about their job and finding about their ambitions and future plans. However, as the business continued to expand, it became increasingly difficult for Gill to meet each and every employee personally. Hence, he delegated this task to the senior managers to hold regular meetings with the employees and review their goals. This issue was a great concern for Gill as he wasn't convinced if regular meetings between the senior managers and the employees were actually taking place. As the business continued to expand, several complications and differences were arising in the organization. Conflicts were arising and the departmental managers and their employees didn't seem to be on the same line. Some employees had no clue regarding the developments in the organization while the production manager Jason and the marketing manager Don had a different opinion regarding the launch of the new laptop which the company had been working on since a while.


As the business has expanded, X-stream has had to face several problems. Firstly, Gill preferred to maintain regular contact with the employees and involve them in decision making. As the business begin to expand, he couldn't maintain regular contact with the employees and had delegated this task to the senior managers who he felt were less concerned about it. Hence, the employees and the managers were not on the same line. Moreover, Don, the head of the marketing department had been accused of being a flirt and a complain of sexual harassment had also been filed against him. This didn't go down well with the senior staff. Despite, the fury of Gill, he couldn't get rid of Don because his abilities and results were second to none and Gill realized that Don was very important to the organization. Also, Jason Palu, the production manager, was a perfectionist in his methods and aimed to nullify the defects. His leadership style was autocratic and hence, he didn't incorporate the opinions of the employees and the workers had to take his orders. This didn't go down well with the employees in the production department and they felt demotivated because Jason didn't value ...