Case Study Analysis

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Case Study Analysis

Case Study Analysis


Junior Winston is gay and has stable Sickle Cell. Doctors have diagnosed him with a psychotic illness and dementia type illness with intermittent mental capacity. Winston regularly smokes and drinks heavily. He forgets things and does not like to socialize. Levi, The grandson aged 19 years has moderate learning disabilities His father committed suicide. He thinks he sees him often in the streets. This assignment aims to identify diagnosis, disability or illness associated with these two persons. It also identifies the problems that can affect daily activities and the types of supports these individuals can use.


Psychotic Disorder:

It can be identified by abnormal thinking and false perceptions. The people diagnosed by this problem cannot differentiate between reality and imagination. Main symptoms of this disorder are delusions and hallucinations (Anadio 2005, pp. 1157).


Dementia is a disorder rather than a disease. It affects the person in many ways. It results in memory loss and also affects the personality and emotions. Dementia can be cured as it is sometimes due to recoverable acts. These can be insomnia, excessive medication, improper diet or any other illness. Dementia, if identified in early stages, can be treated. However symptoms can vary widely from one person to another depending on stage of the disorder.

Problems Caused by Dementia & Psychotic Illness

Memory Loss

Memory Loss is the significant problem caused by above mentioned disorders. Mostly it is expected with growing age. But if a person forgets things on a daily basis, or if he has problems in retrieving important information from his memory after many tries, then he is suffering from memory loss due to disorders. Memory loss interferes in daily and occasional functioning which can make life tougher. It can be transformed to amnestic mild cognitive impairment if not treated on time. This is a mild form of dementia (Nardi & Scheider 1998, pp, 14).


Disorientation can occur in different types of disorder. It affects the daily life as a person is unable to take care of himself and perform routine tasks. There is a tendency that person forgets grooming skills or develops poor judgmental attributes. Person starts to encounter problems in managing the finances (Donovan & Wells 2007, pp, 123).

Personality Changes

The psychotic illness and dementia result in different forms of unusual behavior. The patient suffers from restlessness. He feels lethargic and overly emotional. He can also become aggressive or disinterested. The patient's personality reacts to a situation in extreme ways. He develops fear and suspicion. The person also gets easily distracted from his tasks. Extreme mood swings occur. These changes in personality occur because of confusion. Patient starts keeping him isolated to avoid any negative unintentional reaction (Donovan & Wells 2007, pp, 129).

Substance Abuse as a Reaction

The usage of substance abuse is higher in gay men as it helps them in coping day to day problems. Weber stated in 2008 that gays face oppression in lives such as homophobia and heterosexism. Gay men often are reluctant to visit places where heterosexual men can met ...
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