Can Read, Won't Read

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Can Read, Won't Read


Background Information1

Benefits of Reading1

How to Encourage Children Reading2

SMART Objectives3





Time Bound5

Target Audience for the Campaign6


Marketing Communication Tool8

Social Media8

Mobile Platform9

SMS Marketing9

Search Engine Optimization10

Pay per Click10

Direct E-mailing11

Gantt chart11

Evaluation Techniques12

Post-Action Survey Team12

Comparative Analysis12

Electronic Feedback12

Focus Group13

Longitudinal Studies13



Can Read, Won't Read


This paper is formulated to develop a campaign related to make understanding of the learning amongst children. In the United States, people's interest towards education is quite less in comparison to the European society; and these effects have substantial impact upon the psychographics of the children who are living, especially, in the sub-urban areas of the country. The main purpose of this discourse is to develop the campaign, named as Can Read, Won't Read, to encourage children, to take interest in reading. This paper will critically focus upon the media communication and the marketing of the campaign in order to target the appropriate audience (Gretchen & Perk, 2012, pp.51-53). Especially in adolescent age, human mind is rather more responsive to information absorbing than any other age group. Thus, it is considered apposite to encourage them towards reading to help them develop their knowledge and better mental development.

Background Information

Benefits of Reading

Organizers of the annual campaign called “All Poland reads to kids,” say: “The reading is the key to the knowledge and intellectual skills. It opens the door to the vast treasury of human knowledge and wisdom.” Why are there so many adults and children who look at reading only as a necessary evil?

Those behind the aforementioned campaign, said: “Reading the desire and interest in books must be awakened in its infancy.” They say to parents, “If you want your children to be bright and successful in school and life, you should read aloud for them for 20 minutes each day.”

Parents are also encouraged not to wait to read to their children, but to “begin as early as possible.” How early? “Let us read for infants, hold them in our arms, look lovingly at them and use our voice to arouse their interest,” they encourage. “In this way, children learn to associate reading with a sense of security, joy and closeness. In addition, it stimulates their mental development.”

Organizers of the campaign emphasizes that “the reading of children is more important now than ever before,” and they also point to benefits other than those mentioned above. “Reading aloud teaches children to reason, helping them to understand other people, the world and themselves which creates interest, develops the imagination, stimulates the emotional development, making them more sensitive and understanding, teaching them moral values build self-esteem.” The reading for kids is without a doubt the antidote to many forms of undesired effects. This may threaten the child's mind and heart, concludes the promoter.

How to Encourage Children Reading

Research around the world shows that a child who reads and has contact with literature from an early age, especially if the accompanying parent, is benefited in several ways: she learns best, pronounces the words better and communicates better in ...
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