Business Policy & Society

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Business Policy & Society

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Business Policy & Society

Question# 1

In the contemporary global social environment, the business sector is considered a part of the vast societal stakeholders. In this perspective the business entities cannot seek to undertake activities, which will diminish or harm the rights of any other stakeholders in the overall social environment. In the traditional perspective the business sector was basically considered as a purely a financial and economic entity, whose sole purpose was to generate profits for the vats investors of the company. This ideology was popular in the era where the impact of the business sector was generally isolated and the organizations primarily functioned in a regionally limited dynamic. However with the growth in the globalization factor, the reach and the penetration of the business units in the world markets has increased exponentially, hence causing the influence of the business units on the global social environment to increase (Bowie & Bowie, 1999, pp. 138). In this perspective the various social and regulatory authorities in the world realized the potential impact the business sector can have on the ecology and the overall environment, and started to pressurize the corporate sector to become more socially conscious and environmentally responsible.

The phenomenon of the brand image of the company has also helped the global business sector to become highly environmentally conscious. The global consumer market has become highly aware of the negative impact the production side of the corporations can have in the environment, and hence have altered their consumption behavior based on the brand image of the company. Due to this factor the companies seek to build a positive and socially responsible brand image for the global consumer market, in order to have a positive impact on the sales function. In the contemporary global consumer market the business sector can no longer function as a purely business and economic activity, it has to identify the rights of the societal stakeholders and transform itself as a part of the society.

Question# 2

In the case regarding Becton Dickinson, the primary dilemma occurred in the core ideology of the company and its impact on the overall society. The issue occurred during the 1990s where it was identified in the health care industry that the relevant 0professionals were beings infected by dangerous and life threatening diseases due to unsafe syringes. During that time the company Becton Dickinson had a strong hold on the supply of these syringes to the entire healthcare industry, and the nurses had to use these products as per the policy of their health care institutions and the hospitals. The issue was very significant and easily observable by the health care institutes and also the management of the company. In the ideal scenario the company's management should have identified the health risks and the serious medical concerns related to their syringe products an immediately enhanced the safety features (Goodpaster, 1991, pp. 72). However this activity was highly cost oriented and the company would have had to ...
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