Business Plan

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Business Plan

Introductory Letter

I, declare that this business plan is the outcome of my research and investigation and this is not submitted in any other university or as a part of full for any examination or degree. I would like to thank my teacher, friends and family for giving me support and enhancing my learning. Special thanks to my teacher who supported and guided me in completing this report.

Executive Summary

Java Solutions Inc. is an internet café which will provide unique platform to the users for entertainment and communication with the help of internet. The demand of the people is to access the various ways of communication and to get information from the internet. They want internet and communication service at a reasonable cost. People want to communicate in order to stay in touch with their close ones and do social interactions. The goal of Java Solution Inc. is to provide a platform with entertaining, social and educational environment for communication.

The purpose behind business plan is to get financing of 24,000 dollars. To start work on site supplemental financing is required. The purchase of equipments and other expenses will be recorded in the first year of the operations. 24,000 dollars is not the only financing for the business. Some of the financing has already been taken like 24,000 dollars are taken from Economic development Funds company and 55,000 dollars has been invested by the owner itself and 9,250 dollars amount loan has been taken on short term basis from bank.

The financing is required for the business in order to carry out the operations smoothly and Java Solution Inc will be able to provide its customers a fully featured internet café. Java Solution Inc will provide its customers with unique platform for socializing, entertainment and education. From the start of the project it is not necessary for the company to become self sufficient and but it is expected that within two years company will be able to become self sufficient.


The objectives of Java Solution Inc. are for three years and they are as follows:

To create unique and innovative environment on the basis of which Java Solution Inc would be differentiated from others.

Giving awareness to the society that what internet has for them.

The environment of Java Solutions Inc. will also bring people from different background together.

Internet services and other items at reasonable cost.


Java Solution Inc would be established in the 1st month of next year in the downtown Eugene. Java Solution Inc. will provide easy to the communities and offer a variety of services at a reasonable price. Full internet access will be given to customers and they will be able to access their mails, FTP, www and many other applications of internet. Beside internet services café is also offering variety of beverages and bakery items.

It is private company and family members are the partners in this business. But the owner of the company will be one and it will be sole proprietorship. The startup costs of the company will be the ...
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