Business Opportunities In Information Technology And Information System

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Business Opportunities in Information Technology and Information System

Business Opportunities in Information Technology and Information System


This paper is principally elucidating upon the Information Technology (IT) and Information System (IS) with which a company can seek various business opportunities, which can enhance the business experience of any organization. In case of this particular assignment, the organization which I have chosen is Google, Inc. We all know very well about Google, and the manner within which it is operating since decades. The all new introduction of Google's social network “Google Play” has drastically enhanced the business opportunities.

Google in itself is a quite IT developed organization, however, there are still various hidden opportunities that can still be explored in order to further enhance the business scope for Google. Through incorporating a comprehensive IT and IS infrastructure, Google can enhance its business opportunities. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to reveal any opportunity for an organization like Google in order to increase its business through incorporating Information Technology.

Business Opportunity

The business opportunity that is available for Google through incorporating or utilizing its IT and IS system is that Google can launch its online store. Considering the extensive network, search engine and audience that is associated with Google; it can be a win and win battle for Google to make stand an opponent next to Amazon (Spagna, et al. 2003). With due respect, there is no doubt that Amazon is a considerable giant. However, the data resources that Google has and the extensive following that it possess there is no equal to zero probability that Google would not get successful in its online store (Van der Heijden & Verhagen, 2004). Considering the previous developments of Google that Google launched Gmail, which has whitewashed Hotmail and Yahoo. Moreover, with Google Nexus Phones and Tablets; Google had also given tough time to other cell phone manufacturers. Moreover, the Google Play Store is also a considerable achievement in the Android World.

Similar to Google Play Store, it can also launch Google Online Shopping Store, which can provide access to millions of products of various categories to the audience. However, there is a considerable question in this opportunity and that is related with the supply chain management (Mahoney & Chi, 2001). How Google would be able to deliver the purchased Goods to its audience. In the case of Play Store, the delivery is being downloaded to the device, which does not require any delivery or logistics facility. However, delivery of goods would definitely require an extensive logistics and supply chain solution. Nevertheless, Google can incorporate or outsource an authentic logistics firm and deliver its products via that particular logistics company.

Implication of IT/IS regarding Business Opportunity

Above given discussion is principally setting up the platform for the implication of the IT system that can help Google in further exploring business opportunities. The biggest implication for Google is that it needs to look for the strategies that Amazon is implementing in its business operation. Nevertheless, Google in itself is a quite extensive firm in IT; but the ...
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