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Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Organizational culture

Organizational culture refers to the environment of the workplace that created from the interaction of the employees. Leaders play an enormous role in significant organizational culture through their action and leadership qualities. Hence, an entire employee of the organization contributes towards the organizational culture. Corporate culture, sometimes called organizational culture, is the set of rules of Organization Company private, public, the values shared common way of approaching problems, and how they should be conveyed. Culture and characterized the company apart from others in its appearance, and especially in his ways to respond to situations of daily living of the enterprise as a business with a market set its standard of efficiency or process personnel problems. Corporate culture has this strange quality of being of the utmost shared and less formal. In the world, of formalizing the informal as it escapes us is the true differentiation from competitors, and one of the reasons for adherence or non-membership of the market All ways of thinking and acting, set of explicit rules or implicit system of cohesion and coherence, culture is the intangible capital of the company. In addition to the valuation of assets and technology, it is she who is the actual current value of the enterprise. 'Culture is what makes every business is unique. Two companies can follow the same strategy, have the corresponding structures, use the same management techniques, they did their own culture. The manager must consider in decisions which appears more as an organizational reality that an object in its own management. This will create small groups of members of the organization, and cross each of the components mentioned above (Weick & Quinn, 1999).

Giving a precise and unambiguous definition of organizational culture is very difficult, but we can say that it is an abstraction which includes the values, attitudes and knowledge that are shared by members of an organization, and provide them the guidelines of behavior in a variety of circumstances. Organizational culture is defined as 'a system of socially acquired and shared knowledge, which provide the actors thought patterns to perceive-interpret-evaluate-act' and a symbolic dimension, that can be defined as 'the structure of meaning in terms of which human beings interpret their experience and direct its actions'. The organizational culture is 'a pattern of basic assumptions (invented, discovered, developed by a given group as soon as they learn how to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration) that has worked quite well enough to be considered valid and therefore, likely to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to comparable situations'.

The organizational culture is the unwritten part of the organization and hardly noticeable. Everyone participates in cultural dynamics, but generally the culture goes unnoticed. Only when the company tries to undertake new strategies or objectives incompatible with the norms and values of the corporate culture, one can find himself face to face with the power exercised by the culture ...
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