Business Communication

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Business Communication

Business Communication

Question 1

Examples of Oral Media in Business Communication

The most apparent type of oral communication is oral, and a number of examples of oral communication are readily available. Speeches, presentations and announcements are all forms of oral communication, as well as casual conversations between friends. In addition to standard oral communication, most communication models also include verbal feedback from the receiver, which may be in the form of questions or comments, but could be as short as a simple "Yes" or even a nondescript "Uh-huh." While specific examples of oral communication are virtually unlimited, any conversation involving at least one receiver and at least one sender using spoken words can be considered an example of oral communication.

Examples of Four Delivery Methods for Oral Presentation

Following are the examples of delivery methods in Oral Presentation:

Phone Call;

Hallway Discussion;

Meeting over Lunch;

Office Meeting; and

Conference Presentation

Disadvantage of EMail

The e-mails, though beneficial in our day-to-day life, has got its own drawbacks that are off late coming to the fore.

Misinterpretation: One has to be careful while posting any kind of content through an e-mail. If typed in a hurry, the matter could be misinterpreted.

Lengthy mails: If the mail is too long and not properly presented the reader may lose interest in reading it.

Not suitable for business: Since the content posted via e-mails is considered informal, there is a chance of business documents going unnoticed. Thus, urgent transactions and especially those requiring signatures are not managed through e-mails.

Crowded inbox: Over a period of time, the e-mail inbox may get crowded with mails. It becomes difficult for the user to manage such a huge chunk of mails.

Need to check the inbox regularly: In order to be updated, one has to check his e-mail account regularly.

AIDA Model

The acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that your copy, or other writing, grabs attention. The acronym stands for:

Attention (or Attract)




Four Key Interviewing Skills

To gain interview success you must master 4 skills:

You must be able to demonstrate your skills and expertise verbally and within a limited time scale.

You must respond openly, answer every question fully, and attempt to cite examples.

You must be able to handle any objections that are put to you.

You may have to justify your salary expectations.

Question 2

Fill in the Blanks

A presentation is a persuasive message designed to get you an interview

The most common way to organize a resume' is chronological.

A functional resume' is organized around a list of skills and accomplishments.

In the Academic Qualification section of your resume' you list schools you've attended and degrees you've received.

In the Professional Experience section of your resume' you list jobs you've had and responsibilities you've held on those jobs.

Qualities that Employer Look For

Communication and Interpersonal Skills: According to employers, the ability to communicate effectively with others and get along with a variety of different types of personalities is two of the most desirable qualities in job candidates.

Intelligence: Employers often use GPA as a way of screening out less desirable job candidates. To some, good grades indicate that the applicant is ...
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