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Research Proposal

Executive Summary

The research proposal contains detailed steps for the study of Economic Assessment of Leicester and Leicestershire sub region. This study was commissioned by Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) and the findings from this research will be used to support the mid-term review of the Economic Growth Plan of 2012-2020.

Local Enterprise Partnerships came into being when the government decided to replace the Regional Development Agencies so that private sector led growth can be seen in British economy. Leicester and Leicestershire comprise one of the economic sub region which are very good in terms of attracting business and investment. The research design for this study is cross sectional design which will analyse in details the various elements of the economy and their impact as a whole on the local economy of the sub-region. The methods used to collect the information from the identified sample of local businesses and government departments will be questionnaire for the middle and lower levels of management and interview for the higher management. Questions will be based on themes that have been identified in the draft below and for the convenience of the respondents will not be very lengthy. This will enable less time consumption. Also given is the Gantt chart which will be used to keep track of the project and task completion dates.Research Proposal


The British economy at present is reliant on narrow range industry sectors. But the ideal situation and also the need of the time requires the British economy to be private sector driven and the business opportunities needs to be balanced between the industries and across the country. Also required with this initiative is the need to reduce the burden on businesses in respect of administrative and other planning burdens, lower levels of taxes etc. so in the lieu of above the government established Local Enterprise Partnerships across the whole of the country (House of Commons, 2013, pp. 5- 6).

Resultantly twenty four zones across England were established. The Department for Transport and the Department for Communities and Local Government have created £ seven hundred and thirty million Growing Places Fund which is used by these local enterprise partnerships to support the creation of infrastructure (, 2013, p.1).


Background Information

Local Enterprise Partnerships

The government in the local coalition agreement committed to replacing the Regional Development Agencies with Local Enterprise Partnerships. So as part of the plan businesses and local councils were invited by the government to get together and establish local enterprise partnerships as such that the partnerships represent the natural economic activity areas of England appropriately. A document was also rolled out which set out the roles that these partnerships were to play based on their local priorities (Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2010, pp. 7-9).

Economic recession also took its toll on the businesses and economy of United Kingdom. Therefore a private sector led growth which is based on entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge, assets and local strength will drive the economy whose trickledown effect will also ...
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