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This assignment is based on the business analysis of Thomas Cook. The company started its operations on June 19, 2007. The company was formed as a merger between the parent Thomas Cook Company of the 19th century and the MyTravel Group. This report will look into the environmental analysis of Thomas Cook Company and will provide the marketing strategies that are being pursued or should be pursued by the company.

Tourism nowadays has become a very important branch in the world because it helps the economy of the countries to grow. Tourism has increasingly expanded new approaches because the demand has increased significantly. It is important to talk about the pioneers of this field, one of them is Thomas Cook, and he is great businessman and pioneer of modern tourism, who created the travel agencies (Swarbrooke, 2012).

Introduction to UK Tourism Sector

United Kingdom's tourism industry is an important sector of the national economy. The business employs more than 1.5 million people or 7% of employment in England and annually hosts more than 35 million international tourists. The UK is one of Europe's most attractive countries. The territory of the United Kingdom is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is one of the great powers of world that feature major historical events and their development is recorded in the many museums. The UK is a country with a complete tourism opportunity. The UK is a destination for all to enjoy (Thomas, 2011).

UK offers a wide range of tourism options among which are the beach resorts, historical sites, places of eco-adventure, extreme sports, cultural tours, etc..London is the capital and economic centre, it is known for its historical development. UK supply leisure activities, world-class museums and prominent position as a trading centre. The UK has one of the best nightlife deals because it has pubs, clubs and discos for all tastes, plus varied and novel types of beer, especially those produced in Ireland (Walton, 2010).

Introduction to Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook is a pioneer in the creation of voucher traveller in the year 1867, this was a great contribution to tourism because this meant that foreigners. The relevance of the contributions of Thomas Cook marks the beginning of tourism as an economic activity, which is benefiting the country and the activities related to them such as restaurants, hotels, banks and commerce in general, in order to give travellers the satisfaction of being able to make a pleasant trip without the need to go to a bank to change money (Thomas Cook History, 2013).

The Thomas Cook group over time has undergone many positive changes in the growth that this company has had. What the group has sought over the years is to expand and meet the needs of customers. Four years ago, Thomas Cook Group manages and acquires 74.9% of the issued share capital in Thomas Cook India Limited and 100% of Thomas Cook branded businesses in Egypt, as well as licenses for the Thomas Cook brand in a total of ...
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